Yoshi P CONFIRMS NO Story Skip for FF14! – Preach Reacts

Original thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxivdiscussion/comments/1bdurx8/yoship_confirms_there_wont_be_a_story_skip_for/

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27 thoughts on “Yoshi P CONFIRMS NO Story Skip for FF14! – Preach Reacts”

  1. As FF player from early 90¨s any FF after FF6 is litrelly dogshit and all you people liking tgem are just blind fanbois of the FF series. they stopped asking player philosohical question abput life and world after that while FF7 is half and half everything after that forgot about it. Literally only good or abive FF are in nintendo consoles all others are worse than polybius.

  2. I think hes 100% coping on the "people are bored of retail so they're playing SoD or Era or Wotlk" WoW feels empty on all of these after the first week of new content. I log into FFXIV and GW2 and theres people all over the place whether its a content drop or 2 weeks later. All 3 are smaller than they could be but i think WoWs drop off is much worse. Im honestly shocked how many ppl are still on FF right now.

  3. I don't think a built-in story skip solves anything, it would only exacerbate existing issues. If "FFXIV isn't satisfying daily players" as-is, how on Earth would a story skip alleviate that? It might bring in some temporary players, but MMOs are about the long-term. I think rebuilding ARR from the ground up to be more streamlined and get to the point faster would be both a much more expensive but also much more effective method. FFXIV isn't going to live or die by attracting people who just want to raid or whatever. WoW barely manages that, and still struggles with it all the time, especially as raid content quality varies. Hence why they're running like 25 different versions of WoW so if one thing sucks you can jump to another.

    I think FFXIV's most potent investments would be on more high quality and engaging (and long-term) side content to keep people who've exhausted the story busy, a rebuilt ARR to modernize it, and as much as I'd rather stick my dick in a blender than spend time grinding on some bullshit, some big grinds definitely keep a certain crowd pleased between patches.

    But, that's on Square Enix to figure out. I'm fine the same as I've always played: enjoy the expansion, enjoy the patches, play plenty of games inbetween. I do not need to live in an MMO anymore.

    Also, give me my full kit in level synced content! Make it weaker so I'm not dealing 10x the damage of the actual low levels for all I care, just gimme buttons to push!

  4. IMO keep it how it is. Theres a skip in the mog station if youre really determines to fast track and only want to raid. I'm very much in favor of keeping games unique and appealing to the core audience and the core audience of 14 likes the story aspect. If they changed what makes EVE online unique for the sake of making it less punishing it wouldnt be EVE online anymore and I feel the same about 14. I dont want 14 to be come WoW 2.0 where the story and early content is meaningless the moment a new patch is released

  5. Implementing a mega streamlined 'new game plus' type mode would be good. Only having the important MSQ quests that drive the story forward. There are a huge amount of quests that are just "scout the road", "ask this person about…", collect/kill/inspect X amount of.." etc. All that could go for a seriously stream lined version, and the original is still there if people want.

  6. "Where's the bread? … We should make an anime" 🤣 pissing myself.
    Yes. Stunner kind of video drama catch up. That is the answer. Don't fix the format.
    Story you need to jump into HW, story you need to jump into ShB, story you need to jump into DT.
    Not a fixed format since will be 4 episodes, some will be 8. You might even dedicate 4 to a tiny bit of arc like moenbryda.

  7. Gotta be honest having a story skip would have made my friends from wow stay and play ffxiv. They hated the msq it was such a drag. I was sad but I was also not surprise lol. Some ppl just want to lvl up fast to catch up with their friends and not so much about the story. They want to play the endgame and raid not sit there and read a boring novel lol.

  8. This isn't related to a "potential story skip alternative" to circumvent not experiencing the story in FF14, but I always keep saying how an Arcane-like animated show would be perfect for retelling the events of FF14 1.0

    There are very little ways to really access the 1.0 story content, and the current FF14 players probably have zero idea characters like Estinien and Hildibrand were also 1.0 characters first. Having a prequel animated series in the vein of Arcane would be perfect to recap (and probably retell) the story of FF14 1.0 right up until Dalamud breaks open, and it'd be the perfect marketing tool to get new people interested in the lore of FF14 to entice them to play the game and find out what happens.

  9. 100% Should be a story skip. Story is phenomenal. But it is too much at this point. Especially when you take into consideration some might feel their time was wasted when they reach certain bits in the story. There should a story skip, a level skip, a crafting and gathering skip. Skip everything. Start fresh.

  10. FFXIV is very much about the journey and not the destination, or endgame in this case. Unlike WoW the game is not focused around endgame, there is a wealth of content that does not require becoming current. It's one of the reasons it has a free trial segment of the population.

  11. Destiny 2 isn't a great example for the video catchup idea though. Because Destiny 2 is fucking awful at telling its story. The video catchup was super misleading and left out a ton of information. And Bungie has consistently had this problem

  12. It is kinda daunting for someone completely new to join in and do all them stories. Sure, if you are alone, you can solely focus on the story & be immersed. However, if you have friends who are already at the end contents and you really want to do those contents with em, it becomes a challenge, even an obstacle in a way. It kinda makes sense why other MMOs don't solely focus on story elements. Players have their own perspectives on this topic, so I really can't say what's definitive solution. CBU3 devs are gonna have a real hard time solving this.

    Aside from that, what is the title of the music playing at the beginning of this vid? I've heard this at the end of streams or Drama Time, I can't find what it is…..

  13. As a player who didn't buy skips but has skipped every single cutscene… I have played since PS4 Beta. I really enjoy the end game of ff14 and the social aspects. But the story is not and will never be what makes the game good for me.

  14. The thing is, though, the selling point for almost all, if not just outright all, Final Fantasy games is the story.
    When I tell people about FFXIV I try and sell it on the story. Not so much the gameplay, really…

    I agree with what @RaddyC says in the comments is that for a lot of Jobs the gameplay is just horrible until you get to Stormblood and further; Black Mages weep in broken rotation until 90.
    Only with the last expansion did they even give pugilists/monks something to get used to the resources used for the job instead of just 'push butan for punch' over and over.

    However… I do not see the point in choosing to play a very heavy story-driven MMO and then wanting to be able to skip the story.
    The experience itself can be better, but they ARE retooling things to make it easier for people to get through it. Just think of all the trust duties you can do nowadays to get through it more quickly and even solo.

    But the story… No… If you choose to join a game like Final Fantasy, you choose a game that is built around its storytelling. And some parts of the story ARE objectively better and others are objectively worse. Even if all you want to do is endgame raiding or PvP, you're going to have to take the lumps of storytelling with it.
    You can just be Zenos… Hunt for that thrill while the humdrum of people around you just bores you.

  15. I would have to say this in a second comment really…
    I love the story and the connection you get with the characters but the heavy story is also a little bit what impedes the trailers for the expansions nowadays.

    We who have put in the time to play will love the new expansion trailer.
    We know the characters, we feel the stakes. We are excited for Krile, we laugh at the nutkin.
    New people are all "Who is this? Why is that? How should we care about what happens to this person?"

    The trailers are amazing in production value. But if I were completely new I'd just see a lot of eyecandy focused on characters I have no idea about and I would shrug and maybe pick up the trial (insert meme here) and enter ARR and be completely confused as it is nothing like what I saw in the trailer.

  16. BRUH!!! I paid the story skip for RR at level 58 🤦🏾‍♂️ i couldnt do it 😬🤣🤣🤣 That MSQ is LONG asf, DAMN!!! That's why the veteran players tell you NOT to pay attention to the side quests, they are more fun, maybe I should go on and pay to skip up to the most recent? Those cutscenes are too long fr

  17. 7:30 i understand this sentiment, but wouldn't want the games to change so i could play them. Otherwise, for example in dota2, am i not just avoiding the investment required to enjoy something that much? Am i not just dulling down the experience to the point where it's not what I originally signed up for?
    I think it's just okay to miss out on some things to make sure you do the things you want most


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