Yin Yoga | Self Love | 60 mins

This yin yoga practice is focused on self-love. In the class, we focus on cultivating a loving awareness of the eternal self and focus on releasing any limiting beliefs that are blocking us from our highest potential. This is a really special yin practice that is close to my heart… I hope it helps you feel liberated from any insecurity and self-doubt that may be blocking you from your true nature and from living each day as your most authentic and embodied self. May it help you to remember who you are and ignite your passion for your purpose. Feel free to like, share or leave a comment if this class if it supports you on your journey. Of course, you are welcome to come back and practice this one any time you need the reminder of your worth, or to feel connected to yourself and your heart’s unconditional love. All my love, from the depths of my own heart to yours~ Mish

“Please consult your physician before beginning this or any other exercise program or nutrition plan. you should always warm up before commencing any workout, and you should never exercise beyond the level at which you feel comfortable. If at any time you feel you are exercising beyond your current fitness abilities or feel discomfort, you should discontinue exercising. Not all exercises are suitable for everyone, and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury performing the exercises shown. The instructions and advice in this video are not intended to replace medical advice or treatment by your physician. All questions and concerns regarding your health, weight, diet, and physical activity should be directed by your physician. In no way will the creators, authors, and publishers of this video, or any persons associated with the foregoing be held responsible for any injuries or problems that may occur due to the use of the video or the advice contained within. The creators, authors, and publishers of this video disclaim any liabilities or loss in connection with the exercise and nutritional advice contained herein .”


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