Ye West & The Fascists Who Love Him | Sophie From Mars

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25 thoughts on “Ye West & The Fascists Who Love Him | Sophie From Mars”

  1. Watching this video while disassembling rabbit carcasses so fresh their organs are still warm is very helpful because ohhhh boy the violence. The violence in my soul at this Fuentes chatacter.

  2. If you are ever discussing any societal issue and you don’t have to untangle a jumbled mess of intersecting issues that touch almost all corners of that society, you are oversimplifying.

  3. Appreciate that every time you bring up alex jones, you repeat the very important and salient point that "[he] is not deserving of your sympathy. He may never deserve sympathy again." /gen

  4. before the 2016 campaign, donald trump was the bad guy on daytime tv, mostly known for failing every business deal he tried to make while also branding himself as a serious and skillful businessman, and his campaign started as a bit to promote a new season of the apprentice. so although mr west is "merely" a music artist going through a breakdown and being carefully managed by the other antisemites and neonazis around him, that doesnt mean that he doesnt have a chance.

  5. Every time I see footage of Fuentes, I can't escape the impression that he's decently masking being on quite a lot of uppers. There was that whole conspiracy with Trump, so who knows, but if you watch the way he talks and even his listening face, you can see when Alex is talking, Nick's jaw is so fucking tight it's about to snap.

    The half-laughing, oddly strained quality of his voice combined with him exaggeratedly moving his hands while his body seems clenched in a weird way, that's something I haven't seen anywhere else I can think of but in people who just took a heroic amount of stims.

    Obviously being an addict isn't something morally wrong with him or people like him, but it would explain a bit of the emotional detachment from the evil he says/does on a daily basis It would also make sense if he is not necessarily as principled of a white supremacist as he leads on, but rather a very very committed grifter. That would easily lead someone to over-indulge in a drug that helps them avoid feelings of guilt, which would cause them to say something even worse, so then they need to take more…

    Then again, that's giving him too much credit.

  6. 48:20 'Paternalistic philosemitism' really gets the relationship between the passionately antisemitic Evangelical community and Israel wrong. They see Israel in terms of their 'end times' prophecies, where Israel is to act as a sort of holding pen (a latter-day Theresienstadt) where all Jews are to be held, whether they like it or not, until the appointed moment, when they must either convert or be slaughtered in order to bring about the second coming, at which point Jesus apparently shows up and gives a speech about 'loving one's neighbour'.
    Far-right Evangelical Zionists (who, incidentally, make up the overwhelming majority of the modern Zionist movement, with over ten of them in the movement for every Jewish person on the planet) see Israel as a stepping stone on the road to a world without Jews.
    Like Alex Jones and Gavin McGinnes, they know about inside voices and outside voices, and take tones when dealing with right-wing collaborationist Jews that might seem 'paternalistic' if one doesn't know the context, but the intention is always fundamentally and genocidally antisemitic.

  7. 49:46 The Christian Identity Movement is not the same thing as just right-wing Evangelicals. In particular, it's considerably smaller, and has never sought any kind of accommodation with reactionary Jews, even those who wouldn't object to dealing with people who openly call them children of Satan.

  8. Obviously this video is incredibly important and well presented. I just want to focus on something positive for a short moment and point out that the thumbnail art is fantastic.

  9. Why is every reactionary pundit so excruciatingly smarmy? Why do they all have this same shitty, adolescent, smirkingly insipid little hand-in-the-cookie-jar affect and voice and habits of speech? Even if I didn't speak English and couldn't understand a word they were saying, it would take all my strength not to hold their heads down in a toilet or stuff them into a locker just because of the way they fucking sound. Why aren't people doing this to them more?


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