X4 – New Expansion & 6.0 Update (overview)

Kingdom End the next expansion is on the way. With hands down some of the best music. Attached is the 6.0 update with some major improvements planned. Lets discuss.

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47 thoughts on “X4 – New Expansion & 6.0 Update (overview)”

  1. I really hope they get the Ship and Fleet AI figured out, i wrote a review on X4 on steam in the beginning of the year that wasnt very positive in regards to this element, because of it i quit in frustration and quite a few people didnt buy the game, because of it (I regard about 5 comments to this effect as quite a few people), while i am happy they saved money, at the same time i really like the X universe. If they get this right it could be so utterly great. Id be more happy if i could have written a review where 5 people would had said "i bought it." and would be enjoying the game now.

  2. Bought the X bundle in the Steam sale because I loved X3:TC. I spent way too many hours building a trading empire that spanned half the map. Now to do the same in X4.

  3. I'm hyped for the expansion. Biggest bummer though is that the ships don't look Boron at all.
    The ships and stations look like they'd be some evil hivemind hell bent on assimilating everybody. I'm sad that they didn't update the original designs as they are to, to this day, my favorite designs in the series. They're giving the Borons a completely new visual identity and I hate it.

  4. I can just imagine shack just going into cover peaking back over and being like what I do lol.

    Also I look forward to one day a star wars run that finishes in the x series because the concept is amazing and imagining shack going ooh oooooh no that's a isd at the gate looking for me will be hysterical

  5. hey shack you should do a galactic republic or imperial campaign on this game because the new ships and stuff they added is really good and i think it would make one crazy and entertaining series for the channel! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. X4 is VERY good with the VRO mod or Starwars Interworlds. The vanilla game can wear on you a little. Anyone who played LitCube or X3TC or X3AP I would highly recommend starting with the vanilla game and then do not hesitate to jump over to the mods.

  7. I have thousands of hours in X games, though only a hundred or so in X4. I bought it on release, knowing full well that it would be a few years before it became the game I wanted it to be. This trailer does make me want to jump back in.

  8. Sadly have to build a whole new Computer from Scratch, so No X4 gaming for me for quite a while ๐Ÿ˜ญ am an old Veteran since X Beyond, still on of my all time Favourite Sandbox Game Series. And about the pathing, something Like the Linear Engine mod would be quite helpful with Stations and ships in X4. Less worries 'cause structues don't think exist while on Drive

  9. Cradle of humanity is what lured me in. Nothing more epic than exiting a jump gate in an Asgard and immediately blowing up 3 capital ships with a single shot from the OP lazer cannon.

    I am excited to see what lore and plot the boron bring to the sectors. Its gonna be huge for sure.

  10. I hope to see great improvements to the UI, had the game since launch but couldn't play for more than a few hours before stopping and playing this again in another year and repeat.

  11. the fish bros would legit get me back to the game, the release was, not a happy time, i tried to come back from time to time but, that memories of how it started, maby enough time has passed to go back

  12. X4 has come a long long way since launch. Like every other game in the series it has its issues, especially the one you mention, late game fleet control. But everything else feels pretty streamlined now. Actual bugs are few and far between. Yes, the UI is still complex but it's a complex game.

    I for one can't wait for this DLC to drop to start a new playthrough.

  13. Hey shack, have you ever thought of playing any of the Silent hunter games, or Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts? Your style of story telling and including your patrons would work really well with UAD, naming ships and ship classes. I really hope you look into these great games.

  14. X4 Needs improvements to the early game imho.
    I really liked the space pirate career path in the tides of avarice DLC, it was essentially an extended tutorial and if was a fun and immersive way to get used to the systems in the game. I just wish the campaigns were longer.

  15. Played X4 like a month ago (still need to finish some stuff) and my biggest gripe is mostly the AI often being dumber then a rock, and having very little fine control over them. Even with some combat behaviour mod never really did fix my issues. Which is ships just jumping right on top of stations, when they have no reason to, and then at other times they stay nicely at range. And then other times, when I don't want them to stay at range, they will go out of their way to do it, like if a enemy ship just moves slightly they turn around and try to travel drive out of there. No rhyme or reason to their behaviour at this. Would like things like "Stay at x KM range" and "retreat at X amount of dmg" or like "Keep your front towards the enemy, circle them at x km range" etc.

    Fighters can just fck right off. Really need some kind of dedicated bomber that will fire it's torps at range and then bail out, especially for going against stations. Currently they are just cannonfodder, making carriers feel kinda a waste of resources.

    For station building, the biggest thing is rotating stuff. Instead of having to constantly rotate the camera into the proper view to rotate the piece in the desired direction, some simple rotation keybinds would be great. You know, like press this to rotate right/left, this key to rotate up/down etc.

  16. 5.0 was the startpoint for me. I had a blast. But fleet manouvers, fleet behavior was an issue for me. One would think pilots would be pretty decent from the get go… Since they all have like years of training right? Right? But no. The grind to get your pilots be a little bit competent takes forever.

    I would love to see another system in place for lvling up pilots. They should already be good at dogfighting, maybe a bit lackluster in aim. And levels should add a bit more dangerous manouvers, extra firerate, extended magazines and maybe some critical hit chance.

  17. X4 rly suffers performance wise, 3080, and a decent 12th gen i7 and the framerate rly dips even on a new starter game. I hope with this patch or future game post Kingdoms End brings about core engine changes that are desperately needed. I dont remember it preforming that bad on launch but the more content and systems simulations they add to the game the worse the performance has become.

  18. I remember when I was exploring the universe of X3. It was my first time, I knew nothing. And I go in this sector… God! The music, the view with the planet… It was a really good moment. A similar moment in X4 was when I go to a sector with Xenon attacking some stations and stuff, it was a really big war and I want to help a little bit. I had my cerberus with a fighter on the dock. I standup from my seat and give the command of the cerberus to my pilot and go on the hangar to take my fighter and help againts Xenon… And that moment…. Walking next to my fighter and looking up… Ships, explosion, missiles everywhere… The scale is really different when we see that on foot, that was amazing!

  19. I don't believe you are going to do anything… In this game or with this game… Sorry dude but what have you put out like three videos with this game… I enjoy your content but be honest now ๐Ÿ™„ and I definitely don't believe ego soft… Says when they are going to make things better…that's a good one! ๐Ÿ˜‚They couldn't find their way out of a paper bag with a GPS

  20. been playing since x-btf
    skipped rebirth
    and just recently started x4 because i wanted to wait until less bugs and better computer.
    got a lot of hours in now, had tons of fun but also alot of frustration when i didnt get notifications about attacked (and then destroyed) ships, AI behaviour in fights(& also out of sector), fleet control and some more. it can be utterly annoying when i "just" have 2 hours i want to play and all i am doing is trying to safe my ships from doing stupid things or realizing that a couple of my destroyers are actually dead since half an hour so i would have to go back to that safegame – and then the loading takes 5 minutes which i am ok with somehow but i reload 5 times at peak annoyment… and sometimes i keep forgetting that i was actually playing X and then losing interest)
    i wish some things were more like x2/x3 but i am also very happy with how x4 has turned out.
    i also hope for more quality of life – as in feeling that you are recognized by/connected to AI as part of the game(u know im saying?) – but egosoft said that they are doing things in that regard.
    i think i wont be able to do the terraforming part of the game as i heard that will make the game go slow and i am already running low settings.
    lets hope for those mentioned performance improvements
    also i hope that one day i will be able to play X Online with at least one friend that i have started the game (X-BTF)when we were 11 ๐Ÿ˜€

    next to that, excited to welcome the borons back into X (really missed them – most favorite race – hope i will vibe cause station design looks kinda hostile)

    also: the (german)voice of the split in x4 is..not the way i remember them. they are quite ..human like, -just a little more annoying

  21. So I'll say honestly this is my most hopeful and also final hurrah into X4. I am going to disable every single mod (apart from NoSuperHighway) and play the game as is from there. I say this because I I have some hope, and believe the broken mechanics at this point will either be fixed. If not, then I believe they never will be fixed. That's also why I'll be disabling all mods, so nothing gets in the way of that. The highway one I don't think actually affects anything as it seems ships path fine without it there including taking shorter routes that would be longer if the highway was there.

    I've about 1000+ hours between X4, X3AP, and X3TC. So let's see what happens ๐Ÿ™‚ I have all the hope that we're finally "there".

  22. When my computer is finally compatible with Vulkan, I find out that I cant play this game, because is so high specs even my computer, that is for medium, and some high specs games, never the less, I have all the games minus this one.


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