X-COM: UFO Defense / UFO: Enemy Unknown (PC/DOS) – Cydonia Base with 1 unit

I tried to recreate my past experience from around 2005.
This version is a bit more rushed, but the conditions are the same.
The save game too might be the same, but it’s not mine.
If I remember correctly I had to use Psi-Amp, because for some reason
I lost every other weapon, like in the video.
The game is unpatched.

Originally I ended the mission with 1 (or 2 but only used 1)
unit in the exit. Lost a lot of units before. I was more careful than
in the video in the base part, I even flew up whenever I could to avoid
being detected. It was longer or at least felt longer than this.

For some reason you lose some of your weapons or ammo.

00:00 – Geoscape
00:10 – Mars: Cydonia Landing
01:20 – Mars: The Final Assault
02:55 – Ending


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