Wynncraft Builds for ALL ARCHETYPES

care to check out my collection of builds for Wynncraft 2.0.3? Paladin, Trapper, weird mage archetype hybrid, and much much more are showcased in this video!

For more builds, come check out my server!
join my discord! -/- https://discord.gg/looni
The “smart_builds” channel has a category for each class, where you can browse the various builds smart members and I have posted!

Blues Builds discord invite:

Server IP: play.wynncraft.com – a Minecraft MMORPG Adventure server!
#wynncraft #minecraft
I use Wynntils 1.19.4 and this is how you install it:

0:00 hi how you doing
0:17 TRAPPER showcase
0:33 doggo summon is AWESOME
0:43 trapper equipment
1:20 main attack% sucks (kinda)
1:45 trapper build episode 2
2:12 ACROBAT showcase
2:33 base attack speed? average dps?
3:16 Acrobat ability tree
4:07 Raw Spell vs Spell%
4:52 PALADIN showcase
5:55 what are Mastery Tomes?
6:12 Paladin equipment
7:00 SUMMONER showcase?!
7:25 i love this summoner build 🙂
7:35 ACOLYTE showcase!!
8:45 ARCANIST showcase
9:04 you thought i wouldnt do it again?!
9:21 rip bozo just dont use meteor spell!!
9:33 this build has no mythics!
10:16 5 builds done and 10 more to go!
10:26 collection of saved builds can be found here
10:48 and yea!

Genshin Impact Qilin’s Prance
Lueur Verte – Emerald Rising
Super Mario Odyssey – New Donk City Daytime
Hades – God of the Dead
Hades – The Unseen Ones
Melty Blood Type Lumina – Actions in the Lower World
midnightcoupes – midnight//finally gone


47 thoughts on “Wynncraft Builds for ALL ARCHETYPES”

  1. Masterclass editing + incredibly informative as always, Looni!!

    (You shouldve also showcased the funny shaman totemic smash spam build on stream lol)

  2. I watched the entire live where u tried the builds and they perform very good at the end game content, so cool Loon!

    Btw u should do a trapper grandmother builld too, since it is one of the cheapest mythics now and it performs very good too

  3. Ok so i had to comment this, i have a crazy idea for assassin, an absolute meme build but hear me out:
    Stronger vortex/vortex deals up to 100 percent damage if you deal more dmg than your max health. Sooooo my idea is, ho down shadestepper, WHILE keeping multihit, and spec into stronger multihit. Stack a shitton od dmg and negative hp with items like tesla coil, use ambi and make it a heavy spell build. With satsujin, if you gave like 1- hp and each multi proc deals 2k dmg average, every crrit or market hit will deal insane dmg. Roiling Ruckus will make it like 1mill multihits.. ita like a meat grinder! Prolly spec into clones aswell to not get oneshot. I'll try to come up with a build for this, should be hilarious

  4. I love heavy tank guradian builds. It's actually what I use. As I tend to do TNA with it. And being able to hold gregs agro is quite nice for everybody else. Everybody I talk to seems to think dps is most important, always go for meta builds etc. Even if I don't quite understand all the stats I like doing my builds.

  5. I honestly wouldnt mind watching a video that talks about the learning behind buils 🙂

    Based video as always and i just got an absolution so imma try that shaman build

  6. Idea for lootrunning with hero: all fallen tree until upgraded enraged blow + thunderclap and aerodynamic in bmonk( bash build without uppers), at full corruption you have about +13 radius of bash and 140% dmg increase which helps a lot in lootruns. As a helmet gale's sight, necklace is renda light, and your ultimate aoe flying build is done (also good for raids cos of armor breaker and saviour sacrifice)

  7. When u streaming 😀 is there a stream schedule in the discord? Also is it concerning that I haven’t unlocked tcc or orphiron raid as a person who’s done more than 60 TNA runs?

  8. btw any better replacement for the 2nd ring? was thinking using Intensity as replacement (on the mage build) (since as of rn it costs ~200K in ems) (alias close to 1stx)

    also could u possible post skilltree for that too since id assume its not just going down the entire path lol

  9. Why is this titled "ALL ARCHETYPES". You didn't cover boltslinger, sharpshooter, shadestepper, trickster, battle monk, fallen, riftwalker, lightbender, or ritualist. Don't try to scapegoat your discord, thats not this video.


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