WWE 2K22 Universe Mode – CPW Uproar 1.15

Covenant pro wrestling uproar episode 15, the final episode before CPW’s bloody Valentine pay-per-view. This episode features action packed matches from dragon kid, Pinkish, And covenant pro wrestling world heavyweight champion Will Sheridan.

This show utilizes WWE 2K22 universe mode in order to create a collaborative role play experience where CAW creators and wrestling fans can bring their characters and ideas to life in A biweekly, fully produced wrestling show where outcomes are determined by AI, and character owners react and adapt to the match results.
Edited segments are added into the show, to accomplish things not yet possible with current universe mode features. We hope that you enjoy this episode of covenant pro wrestling uproar and TuneIn to CPW bloody Valentine.

Covenant pro wrestling is professional wrestling made by you and for you. If you like what we are doing, and would like to join, you will find the discord link to our server above. It is only going to get crazier in WWE 2K23.

Song Credits:

Get Future Unlimited by Richard Kimmings, Jason Pedder, Gavin Conder and over 1M + mainstream tracks here https://go.lickd.co/Music License ID: pR37Ydw2KOD

Get It’s Game On by Julian Emery, Adam Noble, James Graydon and over 1M + mainstream tracks here https://go.lickd.co/Music License ID: NrkY7XlMOJb


Welcome to the world of Covenant Pro Wrestling! In our Universe, you can be the champion or the underdog who comes out on top. This is an AI vs AI roleplaying WWE 2K universe where you can be whoever you want and fight to become the best!

Join the community, add your character to our ranks and create your own legacy!
Episode 15 of CPW Uproar live from Phoenix Arizona!

Want to tell your story? Join our community on Discord!


#wwe2k #2k22 #universemode

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