Wreck Your Opponents With This Team Now! | Marvel Strike Force

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11 thoughts on “Wreck Your Opponents With This Team Now! | Marvel Strike Force”

  1. I had dorm and a big hero asgardian last season and had a lot of defensive wins with them or at least they pulled a master key team surprisingly no one used them
    Got close to top 150 for a while but got smashed when lvl 100 came out as I have a smaller tcp

  2. I am down in the top tier of silver facing people who have normal teams on D that I generally just use mirrors and win. I think I am in the people who quit, and have come back, or just don't try very hard in crucible, but are in the 26-50M TCP. I had a guy not able to beat a 900k Bionic Avengers in 5 with their own Bio Avengers, punching up like 50k or less (cancelling), then they tried punching down like 400k with random people like Shang, Omega R, Sabertooth, a smallish Quicksilver and Silver Surfer and let that one stand, but then used their Bio Avengers to 2 tap it. Hard for me to climb as a returning player when I lose to someone who ends up with 46k points against my defense because they don't know what they are doing on offense with their 45M TCP (vs my 30-31M TCP), but my roster does not allow me to beat ApocHold on Defense when it is 2.4M and all 7 red, couple diamonds, all G18 and I lose because I cannot clear the room. Have never seen any of the new teams on defense from the last year, it's like people who are not playing, but they still do and usually win because my bad defense is less of a speed bump vs their poor offense compared to my good offense against their stacked Defense. I almost 100% of the time finish with the most VP, but finish 1-2 or 0-3. Actually going to finish 3-0 with more than 1 win for the first time in the 6 or 7 weeks I have been back playing because of the above mentioned Bio Avengers Defense. I am definitely in a weird spot in silver 3 about to be back in gold 1

  3. I keep hearing you say Hive Mind is not a defensive team but they just took out my MOE in Cosmic Crucible along with two other teams so, I’m going to get that out of my head now.

  4. I ran over first round, but the second i got destroyed by a 1.3 mil infinity watch in room 3. What are we using for that? I didn't have much left, but my usual counter kingpin, negative, dorm, zim, hela did not work. Honestly, that was the hardest team I've faced so far. What's the counter there?


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