WOW THATS A BIG PATCH | League of Legends Patch Preview 13.20


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35 thoughts on “WOW THATS A BIG PATCH | League of Legends Patch Preview 13.20”

  1. Grasp not getting nerfed is a bit scary. It scales way better than most people realise and usually is the best early game keystone in top, unless you get all-in spammed.
    Also, a note on Bel'Veth, while Stridebreaker is way more popular, I noticed that Kraken Botrk Rageblade has a low sample size but way higher winrate. She may be more OP than realised currently, if people swap over to the Rageblade build.

  2. As a jungler…I have a love-hate with these changes. First, buffing jungle camps to be tankier is good. It is the most annoying thing in the world when a trynd or olaf top gets an early kill off a crap top laner and then perma invades topside jungle and stat checking you which kills your game and also makes you useless across the rest of the map. It shouldn't be a thing. In general, top lane keeps having an issue of either being an island or determining the game by tp'ing or invading with pure stats. Maybe if everyone had equalized xp and top wasn't 3 levels ahead this wouldn't be a problem, why does every lane and jungle get different levels it is so stupid. But nerfs to jungle without a means to scale makes me hate the changes, they should have buffed pets to scale, compensate early power nerf with mid game power. If junglers neither scale nor have gank power, what is their point?

  3. ok but honestly…. I really like just sitting and looking at you talking about this stuff.

    I'm kinda a nerd for league statistics. Every time i see a change that would effect me I go into calculations mode for every situation. I did it this patch with the dorans changes.

  4. Swap gallio w and ult like they did tham kench. So now its a smaller dash and its only right over your allie and then with the ult all of his basic abilities will mark the enemy for 5.5 seconds, while marked he can channel his r to taunt all marked enemies ws well as one target in range. And on use if his w he buffs his speed and stats for 4-9 seconds or something. Would be interesting

  5. This – as well as your other recent video – really shows that you are not just "hating" on riot for the sake of it. Like, with this patch, you agreed with about 90% of the patch.
    It can sometimes seem like you and others are just hating on rito cause that's the thing to do… but really, it's bound to look like that after trying to streak "worst patch ever" for months.

  6. * Jungle starts with an item that gives no stats up to mid game – laners doran item ( yes doran items dont give you a buff mid game but they give all that u need in lane, lot of sustain, best golde-value items in game + can be sold later)

    * Junglers have only on spike on laners throughout the game which is reaching level 4 first and u can only do that in the most predictable way possible through ful clearing ( so they are going to know where you will be by 3:30) – laners get more exp and gold throughut the game ( miinion gold and plate gold)

    * Laners actually have money printed for them; no matter what you do as a laner your exp and gold will come to you in lane and it is the same ammount of resources available as your opponent – this concept does not apply to jungle because for it to apply both junglers would have to full clear camps on spawn which is unrealistic so if you want money as a jungler you will HAVE to go and print some (and even then it is less gold than laners)

    * junglers fight with one less summoner spell; u basically have no choice but tto play with smite meaning that any laner, as long as they have no teleport or cleanse and cleanse is ify, can one v one u and win except support in SOME CASES; ignite can litereally win u a fight, it is the most packed offensive summoner at a very low cooldown for what it does, exhaust renders a champion useless and motionless for 3 seconds but simte dealing at most and after level7 about 70 damage is a main character thing somehow.

    * junglers can heal of of camps- yet most laners have some kind of sustain in their kits or the ability to play very safe, even then u cant heal to full as a jungler until the laning phase is over in which case laners can base without risking losing plates or waves since tier ones are usually down at this point.

    * this game is inherently snowbally because if you kill your opponent or take an objective not only do you gain resources but the opponent also loses his. however, if a laner is equal cs but has 3 kills that lane is over, there is very little the opponent can do in that lane unless the 3/0 guy throws. if you are 3/0 as a jungler but laners have all good cs the jungler only has a slight advantage because

    AS A JUNGLER U CANNOT MATCH A WELL CS-ING LANER IN GOLD NOR EXP and there is nothing u can do about it. The most u can do is invade IF YOU HAVE PRIO, even then u are conditioned to your laners.

    * smite, epic monster, main character- if smite makes junglers a main character imagine jungle does not have smite. if your botlane loses they get all the dragons up to 15 period. there would be absolutely nothing you could do about it and wining top would get rift, mid would also be a slight factor on objectives = the game would be even more snowbally. If laners would have smite – jungle would be useless and the lane having it would be able to get only one of the neutrals until post laning phase. mid having smite would kill both jungle and mid because the game would turn into aram. junglers have all the above disatvantages for the "privilege" of having smite and therefore balanced out.

    Summary: jungle is the weakest it has ever been and they are nerfing it further. fact is that baldy here has never played a game of jungle in his life and has never ganked a sett or renekton who can 2v1 you and your laner level 3 no items but doran whatever which are getting buffed. Baldy is very bad at the game, doesnt understand jack shit, probably never preses 4 to ward and thinks that junglers are at fault for him being shit. This shit is going to get HOTFIXED not even patched.

  7. The thing most interesting about the jungle chages to me is that they effectively turned the jungle into a holiday camp where everyone gets extra damge from their pet, %max healing AND camp-omnivamp, THEN tone down the damage of all camps even more and after that they take literal years to come to the conclusion "Hm, maybe the fact that every jungler can be full life after their first clear led to the fact that everyone can gank lvl 2/3 and still get scuttle. I ave an idea, how about we make jungle camps HARDER??
    Like, wow Riot. Only took you 2 years to marginally revert back to the time where early jungling was actually defined by the played champion and not just going camp into gank into camp into gank into full mana restoration into gank into camp into gank into maybe buying an item before ganking a bit more and then soloingbaron minute 20.
    Every jungle identity got deleted by making jungle as easy as it was up to this patch since everyone could do whatever they wanted and I doubt that the current changes will even change too much about that. Make junglers play their own game for the first 10 minutes again with the sparce outlier that can early gank and played around instead of just giving junglers free money and sole authority over stronger and stronger objectives they can just solo whever they see fit.
    Drake should not be able to be done lvl 4 without items by anyone besides outliers like warwick, Herald should not just be a time investment but an actual fight. If you make the objectives completely game turning and don't do anything against junglers deciding for their team if they get them or not then don't complain about junglers being too strong.

  8. Thanks for your work and recap of the patch information.

    Some pointers:
    1) Stop obsessing over people watching your videos LOL. It can actually be easy to retain information when eyes are involved as well.
    2) Top lane is not the weakest lane in if we are talking overall map pressure, the splitpushers in this meta with Hullbreaker are kinda dominating the rift.

  9. you're underestimate how tanky 110 health + up to 45 regen is, you'll have 30 more health and even more healing it's much harder to force kill/back on someone with d shield now, d blade would be as agressive as you think if it would give like 50 health 15 AD, 2 AD won't make all that dif and health isn't offense

  10. Gonna be honest, i only skip the video if you kinda take too long on a champ that doesnt get picked a lot, so its irrelevant info. Most of us dont even play league anymore is my guess so, yeah..

  11. Do you really think we are such monkeys that everytime you have to tell us to like, sub, and that we can listen on our second moniter without watching? Cause if so you owe me a banana for being a good monkey and listening.

  12. "making a champion snowball _more_" – in Masters+ Jinx has the LOWEST winrate of all bot champions with an abysmal pickrate of 2.7%. She is number 209 out of 232 overall, ahead of things like Briar top and Ashe support.


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