WoW Is Actually F*cked..

Blizzard let this happen. Get rid of ALL addons.
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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21 thoughts on “WoW Is Actually F*cked..”

  1. I love addons but agree absolutely with getting rid of logs, gquit my last guild cause they would constantly bitch about parses even on boss kills that werent scuffed and everyone was doing more or less what they were supposed to, logs are a cancer and if bliz got lawyers to add banning logging apps entirely and actually enforced it (as well as paid addons) I would be for it. I think weakauras can do way too much, and any other "modular" addons hold far too much value, I think the changes they outlined recently that had something to do with the frequency of communications between addons and the game (aiming to nerf things like dbm and wa) was good in general but a lot of rp players really really didnt like it

  2. Please keep in mind that I am not defending this add on, I am 1000% against it, but I feel I must point out Asmongolds lack of reading comprehension. The BETA is available to patreon members only, there is not a mention of the full version. The reason you make it available to patreaon members is because they are invested in your website so you can reasonably count on them to give feedback on the add on. Now, if the add on goes live with a price tag then it should get banned instantly. Asomgold has done nothing but shit on WoW since he got a sub button on Twitch becuase he deals in chaos. The game has literally made him millions of dollers. If he turned off his computer tomorrow, cut the internet line, and became even more of a recluse, he would still never have to work a day for the rest of his life. Think about that.

  3. the bad thing about parsing is when you're top dps and someone doesnt do a mechanic and causes your death and then your dps goes to the bottom and everyone blames you for failing the fight and kick you

  4. I like parsing on my main. It's fun and we've gotten the raid down to 45 mins and it is it's own meta game within the game to constantly push and learn your class better without having to dedicate a full time job's worth of hours into mythic retail. However it's also a huge headache because everyone wants to parse so you have to have the right comp with the correct group setup and someones not going to be able to parse this week and on and on and on and on it goes. SO we also have non-parse raids where we just have fun on alts and no one cares and it's way more fun.

  5. The fact is that it is impossible for Blizzard to ban all addons, because many players cannot play wow without addons (it seems so), and I heard that there are some raid bosses that cannot be entered without addons? Can anyone explain more?

  6. Oooh your vids back then! I HATED them (no offense) because my partner and i ran a casual raiding guild, and two of our players kept watching your vids and pulling that crap. It was SO infuriating. It absolutely ruins the game, because most of us KNEW we weren't world class, we just wanted to play the game . Those two players insisting on playing with all the logs and rabidly watching the world charts completely ruined the whole raiding experience for the other 30 odd raiders in the guild. It was pretty much the last straw that made me leave the game.

    I'm actually really grateful for your rage inducing attitude back then, because I was SO miserable playing WoW by the end of Legion. I still miss the game, but it was just to fucking damaging to my mental health, constantly being told that my 50 hours a week of smashing target dummies and healing randos through the finder were NEVER enough to make everyone happy.

  7. WoW (pun intended) this game is still around? I remember around 2004 or so (when it first came out) I had a frickin riot running around having no idea what I was doing.

    Now there is value in having structure and a plan in a game, but once I "learned how to play the game" I hated the game and it was the beginning of the end of my ability to enjoy video games.. what a shame.

    Hope y'all are doing well, … Are there any games that I can play that I can just play? And enjoy? Not end up looking up best way and killing any happiness I could have possibly had in game ?

    By the way I have no self control so not looking up something is basically not possible lol

  8. If someone in your guild has this, kick them from your guild. Edit: I know this doesn't need to be said but, I promise you don't need this shit. You can parse 99's w/o raiding like a clown.

  9. The way to fix parsing is to parse all mechanics not just damage. If you did a lot of damage but stood in the fire. You shouldn't have a high parsing score


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