Would you be the First Person on Mars? #space #science #mars


35 thoughts on “Would you be the First Person on Mars? #space #science #mars”

  1. No. Because there are so many issues with that like first of all most of the people watching this know nothing about how to survive on mars second think of the conditions there are mars quakes along with constant sandstorms.

  2. Hell no, even though my life isn’t the best right now, that’s 20 years of my life wasted like that, no family, no friends nothing to keep me going

  3. Who knows if musk will be alive after 10 years or not. Possibility of WW3… Even if I agreed to go to Mars alive who knows if I'll survive for 10 years or not…
    Too much uncertainty so I will rather think to replace musk then being his subject 😌😌

  4. That’s really tricky but if there’s even a one percent chance to do something that can change the world and completely revolutionise the world and change your life, you should do it


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