Would You Be Happier If This Was A Good Video | FFXIV Endwalker MSQ

Fulfilled by the filler, multiple payoffs.

0:00 – Labs Part II
5:13 – To GARLEMALD!
20:41 – The Call
24:46 – The Hug
29:25 – All the Stars

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32 thoughts on “Would You Be Happier If This Was A Good Video | FFXIV Endwalker MSQ”

  1. I love The Call! I love how the story has constantly been hammering home how important the act of getting firewood and building a fire was to Alphinaud. I remember thinking at the time geez louis this kid acts like everything's been done for him. And along comes Endwalker and well, yeah, it kind of was. A giant house full of servants. Affluent parents. A respected grandfather. All Alphinaud had to do was debate and push his ideals forward to succeed which he did with aplom while being applauded for being the youngest to attend school. No WONDER Alphie landed in ARR cock sure he could fix the world. I was delighted to get to witness this 3rd generation turbo nerd realize that everything that had happened would allow him to pool resources and fix a problem his entire home country couldn't fix because they just didn't have the connections or resources and he did. He learned how to gather wood. It was such a reward for that character. I ate it up.

  2. The section with the rabbits is so bad that my friend started to skip cutscenes because of it. He completely missed that scene at the end because he was so put off and bored of carting around the rabbits. During development they bragged about how long the MSQ was, I can't help but feel like that ended up being a downside when there's sections like that.

  3. Your collective experience of FFXIV is fascinating to me. You guys experience it as it's happening a little differently just because of the realities of streaming, and yet unlike people just playing on their own you have to then go back through what you've done and really reflect on it to make videos like these. I just find it fascinating. Not sure if this is a good comment.

  4. A: Amazing Rocky Horror reference. Top tier.

    B: While I agree that the Loporrit section is laborious and doing at least some of the dungeons to go get the Allagan stuff would have been more fun, I really appreciated the fact that the game recognized that our WoL was kind of beyond all of the grunt work. Back in ARR, we did have to do all of that. Now our sights are set on much bigger targets, kind of making us the quest giver for the next generation.

  5. I do have to say, that iirc, the Scions are just expecting for you to have a chat with the shade of Elidibus' soul to learn more about the final days, instead of being yeeted into the past to experience the start of it yourself. So makes sense that they wouldn't say anything about traveling to Elpis, because they… don't know it happens haha. But very weird for the player who spends hours and a lot of emotional journeying to come back and have no-one know about it.

    Also, I love Zenos, just because he's such a simple villain compared to the rest. Emet, Hermes, and a lot of other villians are complex and incredibly sympathetic, but Zenos is just that asshole Rival character that everyone loves to hate.

  6. that Rocky Horror Picture Show reference was top tier. My god guys, that was amazing.
    Unlike Civilizations I was REALLY done with this music by the time the hug happened. I think I'd just muted my speakers and unmuted for cutscenes.

  7. The only thing I have to say about the hug is you know you're about to get served some feels when URIANGER of all people stutters.

    It's also one of the few parts of the game that actually drew tears from me.

  8. I've said it before, but I'll say it again, Zenos has always been consistent in terms of who and what he is. The scene with Jullus was just reaffirming what those who had been paying attention had caught onto back in Stormblood. I don't particularly care for Stormblood as an expansion, but Zenos throughout it was the thing that made that story compelling to me, at the end of 4.0 where he died, I was like "What!? Just like that? No I don't believe you game, you were building up to something bigger than this, I feel it". Where as friends of mine were utterly baffled at his return (Which I didn't understand why they would be).

  9. I think ultimately zenos is a fantastic character, but people see his role in the story incorrectly and attribute to him a weight he isn't meant to carry. he's NOT the badguy for the story, he is the badguy for YOU. he is in a lot of ways, a reflection of the player, or another player in the game. he is a bored, game addict, who just wants more content, he wants someone new who is a challenge for him to face. he wants the next thrill. he needs a new savage tier, a new ultimate fight. he's not there for the story, he doesn't care about the world or the characters. he wants content. and you are content to him. he needs challenge, and you are the only challenge he's faces in years.

  10. The intro may be one of the funniest you've ever done.
    Now for commentary on your commentary.
    The growth of the twins over the course of the game has been one of my favorite things. They go from being arrogant teenagers to level-headed young adults. (And Alisae's crush on the WoL is almost as adorable as Raha's.) Anyone who thinks they are still written as being sixteen has not been paying attention.
    Jullus and the Legion showing up to be heroes was amazing. "For Garlemald has her pride!" was a FUCK YEAH and fistpump moment.
    People hated Zenos even more before Endwalker, FWIW.
    If you excise the rabbits, you lose probably the single funniest Urianger moment ever, and that would be a tragedy.
    Alphinaud demonstrating the power of the connections he had made over the years away from Sharlayan was also a FUCK YEAH moment. It wasn't even "owning the old man" so much as proving to his father that he was no longer the child his father still saw him as. He didn't do it to dunk on Fourchenault, he did it because it was the right thing to do.
    If the WoL went and gathered in all those allies it would have completely undercut Alphinaud's moment, and I'm damn glad they didn't. He's the political operator, we're the guy/gal out at the pointy end. Let Alphinaud be Alphinaud – doing it ourselves would have made the story worse.
    I really do not understand your antipathy for the Loporrits. I found their section to be a perfect tension release after all the HOLY SHIT moments we'd been hit with.

    The hug had me crying unashamedly, and will again when I go back to do my NGP run through EW. (Also in addition to being a story triumph, it was apparently a bit of an animation triumph, making the hug actually look good in the FFXIV engine took a lot of work from the animation team.)
    Moenbryda casts a very long shadow over the story – we lost her so early, and yet we still remember her regularly.
    Seeing all those people who you'd helped over the years show up to help the Scions? Priceless.
    You're harsher on Fourchenault than he deserves, I think. It's not that Alphinaud is better than him, it's that his son is as capable as he is, just in a different way. Parents often have a hard time understanding that their newly adult children aren't kids anymore.
    Alexander was great – but so was Eden, for different reasons.

    And the best part for me? You still have so much in front of you.

  11. As good as the Zenos line of "Would you be happier had I a good reason" is, there's one more later on ('care not' to say little so not to spoil it), and one other in that scene that I like better. Specifically, "What meaning there is to be found in the petty vicissitudes of your existence must be gleaned by you and you alone." That's fucking poetry, man. God damn, that line slaps hard. Maybe because I adore philosophy and part of why I like Endwalker so much, but that's probably one of my favorite lines of all time.

  12. I disagree with your take on the Loporitts section. Without the tedium of that section (or the Trolley section in Shadowbringers), you wouldn't have as strong of an emotional payoff.

  13. You guys were harping o yhe .usic way to long you ruined your own enjoyment for the rest of that stream. Not saying it was great and those weren't valid complaints. But there we're many steps that could've been undertaken instead of constant complaining. This is one the few stream i really we're thinking you were reallying phoning it a little too much. (Sorry for not to great english)

  14. We're well at the point where we can actually say it. Why did Endwalker get a lot of "Meh, it's….not as bad as Stormblood I guess…" reviews and bad word of mouth? THE GOD DAMN FILLER RABBITS


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