Worst game of the year just came out

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31 thoughts on “Worst game of the year just came out”

  1. Im so glad people remember peter jackson's kong game, I played that so much as a kid on my ps2. Also that music sounding like Courage the cowardly dog is so accurate lmao.

  2. By the look of it a toaster could run it but knowing how it is now the system requirements will be huge regardless, it is almost as if game developers now invest in component companies/chip companies and just make games run shit intentionally

  3. It's gotten to a point where I think they made this so horrible on purpose, nobody in their right mind releases something like this and thinks it's acceptable, worse yet, the game is boringly bad, at least with, for example Big Rigs, you can laugh at how buggy and stupid it was, it was entertaining which is why people care to remember it, in a year's time this game will already be forgotten simply because of how bland it is. Not even extreme and seemingly intended shittiness will keep this game relevant for the next few weeks.


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