Colleen Ballinger responds to accusations to having inappropriate relationships with underage fans in the WORST APOLOGY EVER with a Ukelele

Featuring: (idk why llinks arent working, ididathing and Boy Boy)

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33 thoughts on “WORST APOLOGY EVER”

  1. Considering a huge running joke in Colleen’s Miranda sketches was a rapey uncle, her supposedly being a “weird aunt” is not really an explanation that makes sense from her.

  2. 13:10 Theres a difference between mistakes and regrets. You did it on purpose and at the time you didnt regret it. How could we know if you are not gonna do it again? A mistake is what you made. This song was a mistake. Instead of defending yourself or accepting your past and apologizing for it you try to pass the blame to what seems to be your fanbase, because you were adressing the people in the comments section, not the people with the actual evidence and screenshots which shows how the act of "manipulation" and "twisting" is actually done by you. You not only not defend yourself you make yourself a public target. Next time listen to your team and hide your big fat ego to yourself.

  3. I first gave Colleen the benefit of doubt that she truly did not understand how her actions were wrong, but this apology video confirms that she definitely is psycho and does not care about what she did.

  4. I just think its funny how people sat and watched her do that to a kid at her show and laughed and made it funny but now everyone is upset about it. Why werent we upset about it when it happened?

  5. We keep calling this an apology video but there is no 'I'm sorry' in anywhere in this video, not in the title, not in the description, not in the actual content. She is in fact defending her actions and trying to gaslight everyone. This is more like a doubling down video. What a nut job. If the roles were reversed, the guy who is doing what she did would be in jail. Why is she not criminally held accountable?

  6. it never fails to throw me for a loop that as a minor this is the world that im gonna grow up in. like how would someone consider this an apology??? im in the middle of crying and laughing rn like???


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