World’s Story Volume VIII: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland and the Search for the Poles

World’s Story Volume VIII: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland and the Search for the Poles. By Eva March Tappan FULL Audiobook
“The World’s Story Volume VIII: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland and the Search for the Poles” is a captivating anthology edited by Eva March Tappan. This volume, part of the larger “The World’s Story” series, delves into the rich history, folklore, and adventures of the Nordic lands. Let’s explore its contents:

1. Norway Part I: Stories from Scandinavian Mythology:
– We encounter mythical creatures like Fenris (the wolf) and Sleipnir (the eight-legged horse) from the Younger Edda.
– The thunderous Thor fishes for the Midgard Serpent and battles giants.
– The tragic tale of Balder’s death unfolds.
– Proverbs from the ancient Eddas provide glimpses into Norse wisdom.

2. Norway Part II: Tales of the Sea-Rovers:
– We learn about the North Cape and its discoverer.
– The saga of Hakon the Good, a wise king, unfolds.
– Stories of Olaf Tryggvason and Olaf the Saint reveal the struggles and triumphs of Norwegian kings.
– Iron-Beard adds a touch of humor.

3. Norway Part III: Life in the Far North:
– We explore the rugged landscapes, including the Naerodal and Jordalsnut.
– Insights into how Laplanders live and market days in the far north.
– The enchanting music of Ole Bull resonates.

4. Sweden Part I: Viking Life and Adventure:
– The hall of early chiefs and the election of Swedish kings.
– The Swedes’ encounter with Christianity.
– The legendary Ragnar Lodbrog and the defeat of the Jomsburg Vikings.
– The indomitable Sigrid the Haughty.

5. Sweden Part II: Tales from Swedish History:
– The dramatic events of the blood-bath of Stockholm and the rise of Gustavus Vasa.
– Gustavus Adolphus at Lützen and his battle-song.
– A vivid portrayal of historical moments.

6. Denmark, Iceland, Greenland, and the Search for the Poles:
– The book also delves into the histories of Denmark, Iceland, and Greenland.
– The relentless pursuit of the North and South Poles adds an adventurous dimension.

Eva March Tappan weaves together sagas, historical accounts, and folklore, painting a vivid tapestry of the North. Whether you’re drawn to myth, exploration, or the resilience of these lands, this volume offers a captivating journey through time and culture.

For those interested in exploring the full text, you can find it on the Internet Archive. Additionally, LibriVox provides an audio version for those who prefer listening. Happy reading! 📚🌟
More: Sonnavater, Knut, Scandinavian mythology
Fenris, Sleipnir, Thor
Balder, Eddas, Boinnis Glacier
Sea-rovers, North Cape, Hakon the Good
Olaf Tryggvason, Iron-Beard, Olaf the Saint
Göl (ancient church), King Magnus, Harald Hard-Ruler
Sigurd, Birchlegs, Life in the Far North
Finn blood, Laplanders, Ole Bull (musician)
Viking life and adventure, Early chiefs, Swedish king election
Christianity in Sweden, Ragnar Lodbrog, Jomsburg Vikings
Sigrid the Haughty, Blood-bath of Stockholm, Gustavus Vasa
Marriage of Gustavus Vasa, Gustavus Adolphus at Lützen, Battle-song of Gustavus Adolphus

00:00:00 The search for the lost colonies of Greenland (1579-1671), by Dr. Henry Rink
00:10:24 The apostle to Greenland (1721-1736), by Jacob A. Riis
00:32:48 A model parliament, by Dr. Isaac I. Hayes
00:43:31 Greenland Part II: Stories of life in Greenland: Historical note
00:45:04 Greenland customs of two centuries ago, by Hans Egede
00:53:56 How to build a ”woman’s boat”, by Dr. Isaac I. Hayes
00:59:47 The Eskimos and their ways, from the Cornhill magazine
01:17:17 The farewell of the Greenlanders, from the Cornhill magazine
01:25:02 What is an iceberg ?, by Dr. Isaac I. Hayes
01:42:18 Escaping from a glacier, by Dr. Isaac I. Hayes
01:57:16 The search for the Poles Part I: Adventures in the frozen North: Historical note
01:58:59 Spitzbergen, the island that belongs to no one, by Lord Dufferin
02:14:37 Fifteen hundred miles of floating ice (1871-1872), by Hans Hendrik
02:35:26 How to build a snow-hut, by Roald Amundsen
02:52:31 The Northwest Passage, by Sir John Everett Millais (English painter, 1829-1896), painting p. 518
02:54:44 Paying a call in the Northwest Passage (1906), by Roald Amundsen
03:11:45 The search for the Poles Part II: The North Pole: Historical note
03:13:35 The fate of Sir John Franklin (1849), by Elizabeth Doten
03:18:53 A balloon search for the North Pole (1897), by G. Firth Scott
03:24:14 The attack of the ice (1893), by Fridtjof Nansen
03:37:42 The discovery of the North Pole (1909), by Admiral Robert E. Peary
04:01:44 Admiral Peary in his North-Pole costume, photograph p. 546
04:04:22 The search for the Poles Part III: The South Pole: Historical note
04:05:56 In Antarctic winter quarters (1908-1909), by Sir Ernest H. Shackleton
04:26:56 Norway at the South Pole (1911), by Roald Amundsen
04:31:45 At the South Pole, photograph p. 574
04:34:30 The riv


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