World's Fastest Predators | Episode 4: The Desert | Free Documentary Nature

World’s Fastest Predators – Episode 4: The Desert | Wildlife Documentary

Watch ‘World’s Fastest Predators – Episode 5’ here:

They can accelerate faster than a Ferrari, strike with 10 times the g-force of a space shuttle and outmaneuver a fighter jet! Take a journey across deserts, dense jungle and murky lagoons and see how predators and prey run, swim and fley for their lives. This documentary series captures every movement in high definion – at 1000 frames-per-second you won’t miss one graphic detail of this fast paced world!

In this episode:
Desert creatures endure searing heat and zero rainfall, but speed is their ticket to survival. A Tiger beetle runs at the human equivalent of 500 miles per hour. A caracal jumps six feet to swat a weaver bird out of midair. And the world’s fastest chameleon hunts on the desert floor. Only the hardiest, fastest animals survive. Nothing else stands a chance.


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29 thoughts on “World's Fastest Predators | Episode 4: The Desert | Free Documentary Nature”

  1. Desert Olympics! Thank you Chi’s Aquatic Vibe. That’s where we’re at: competing today in the hot, blistering sand of the Namib desert: beetles, termite, spiders, lizards, chameleons, the caracal (a cat with super hearing) the cheetah, sand grouses, weavers, a cobra, African ground squirrels and a yellow mongoose in a cobra-mongoose stand off. Did you know that if the speed one of the beetles can run, is equated onto a human, we’d be able to run 900 km per hour (that’s like approx 500 mph) That is wild. Enjoy! Oh, maybe you’d like to stop by Community for the poll: which desert dual is best?

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