World of Warships – Maltese Knight

He’s from Malta, but sadly he’s not actually a real Knight.

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36 thoughts on “World of Warships – Maltese Knight”

  1. People saying "quit moaning about carriers" really need to take a step back. If there are this many people moaning about carriers, maybe WG should fix it. The beatings will continue until morale improves.

  2. T92 with a 155mm shell hmmm …. 240mm ap shell makes sense. Jingles your thinking of the entire rest of the arty line for usa.

    Oh and the arty in console wot still have ap rounds …. Because reasons. My personal dmg record for a one shot without fire was a full health type 5. 2800 flat from a ammo rack … after 3 bounces on him

  3. I must have been playing a very different Hood when I was still playing this game, Jingles, because Hood would NEVER hit things for me. It was so horribly inaccurate that it would straddle targets as close as 3km away. In fact, I remember one instance where a salvo was so horribly borked that one shell from my forward turret missed the intended target, going long and hitting a target 5km away from me (somehow scoring a citadel), while the other shell from that same turret fell slightly short of my target, which was 3km away.

    Man, I had a horribly cursed relationship with anything firing British 15 inch guns.

  4. I like the way you're finally sounding like you're actually getting frustrated in trying to explain why 'carriers are bad', it reminds me of the Emperor in Jedi …. "Good, I can feel your anger ……."

  5. The problem with "Just Dodge(TM)" is that it only works properly against torpedo planes. Otherwise the game engine is terrible at allowing you to look up. It is after all designed for gun naval combat. With TBs (and partly with rocket planes) you can see the position of your ship and the planes/payload so you can dodge effectively. However with DBs that is NOT possible and thus dodging is just pure luck.

  6. Hood and Alabama are def my 2 favorite premium ships, and Iowa is my fav tech tree ship. Bama’s AA (even after all the nerfing) is still great, and Hood is deadly if played by the right person as demonstrated

  7. Honestly i like the way War Thunder made Naval Aviation a lot more, though I wish it was cheaper to spawn planes at top tier. Theres essentially two ways to play planes in naval:
    High risk – fly a maneuverable dive bomber or torpedo bomber to hit a ship from medium-short range. Easy to account for enemy maneuvers, you have to evade AA though, with a few hits downing you.
    Low risk: take a medium or heavy bomber and climb above 4km, bitting you out of range of medium aa. Drop bombs with the bomb sight and pray that you gave enough lead and the enemy doesnt turn out in the 30+ seconds the bombs take to drop.

  8. I kinda wish this game wasn't so greedy it could be so fun but I guess that's what we get when people make a phone game for pc and consoles and players just go along with this shit, but it could be much worse like what Activision did with Diablo mobile

  9. Honestly, the IS-7 isn't all it's cracked up to be. I penned one in a training match with a tier 4 French heavy for a whopping 43 hitpoints, from the front, just under the cowling over the tracks. Mind, I couldn't replicate it no matter how many times I tried, but that was the day my friend sold his IS-7…..that was back in 8.0 or 9.0, give or take…..


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