WORLD FIRST NO HIT FULL RUN | HumanitZ (22 July 23)

#HumanitZ #EarlyAccess #WorldFirst #ZombieSurvival

WE DID IT!!!! World First completion of a No Hit Run all 7 Days in HumanitZ!!! Took us 11 attempts in total, devs hung out in chat the entire time and got some valuable information going forward. So for that, thank you Team HumanitZ for giving us such an awesome game to look forward to, thank you for the time you took to watch, and thank you for allowing me to have some input into some of the things going forward. You are legendary!!!

To everyone else, head on over to their Steam page, wishlist the game, try the demo for yourself, hop into their Twitter and Discord to stay on top of current changes/updates, and be sure to head on over to our channel to watch us when we’re on!

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Twitter –
Discord –

— Watch live at


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