Workout for the Animals

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Help me raise money for Breaking the Chains International.

➡️ What is Breaking the Chains?
Breaking The Chains is a charitable organization that operates globally to rescue animals from dangerous and complex situations, be it conflicts or natural disasters.

They also focus on awareness, education, spaying/neutering and supporting animal caregivers who are struggling and in need of support to further help them save and look after the animals within their care.

➡️ Where are they based?
In the UK, with their team currently in Ukraine.

➡️ Why do they need support?
In today’s global environment of war, famine, extreme weather and disaster, Breaking the Chains S.T.A.R. (specialist tactical animal relief) has never been as needed as they are now.

I support Breaking the Chains on Patreon because I care about the effects our human actions have on animals. The animals should not suffer.

I am sharing with you a message from Tom, the founder and ground team leader, that prompted me to host a charity livestream workout:

‘Good morning from Ukraine. I am writing this message to thank you personally for not only the support you have given but also your continued support and, unfortunately, to give you an insight into the troubles and horrors we are currently facing and will continue to face going forward this year.

Unfortunately the support towards Ukraine, its people and animals has dwindled astronomically, the global media no longer sees the horrors of this war as popular news and have minimised their reporting of the day to day horrors we continuously see here. The lack of media coverage and compassion fatigue towards Ukraine amongst the global population has seen our donations and support drop massively over the past 6 months to the extreme that going forward, we are struggling to sustain and finance our shelter, let alone conduct our work on the ground and as a result animals we could save are dying due to the lack of funding and our inability to reach them through broken vehicles, heavy fuel costs and other contributing factors.

Unlike many foreign animal rescue organizations, Breaking The Chains operates inside Ukraine 365 days a year. We have built and operated our shelter in the heart of Ukraine, which can house 100 animals (and employs seven local Ukrainians). We have our own veterinary clinic, we run a veterans program which helps severely wounded veterans heal alongside our animals, we conduct spay and neuter programs, vaccination programs, support orphanages, hospitals, villagers trapped in front line villages who take care of abandoned animals and most importantly we evacuate severely wounded and healthy animals from front line villages under regular attack. All of these combined not only help this generation of animals but also the future generations of animals by way of the animal advocates we create through our various human related programs.

Our vehicle fleet is run down and destroyed, in almost two years they have each covered hundreds of thousands of miles within Ukraine. It takes weeks to get a vehicle repaired for a rescue mission, only to limp back due to the battering it takes during the mission, as every element of the vehicle is worn down to a constant breaking point. Vehicles are not only the teams life line on the ground but also the chariot in which we use to conduct all of our work, without them we are rendered ineffective and useless on the ground which results in the loss of life which could have been saved. Unfortunately, funding is the key element in which any organization needs to operate effectively, adequately and in the best interest of the lives it needs to save, change and better. ‘ – Tom, Jan 12, 2024

Vujack Shelter:


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