Working class jobs and wisdom

Here is an exclusive look at Jordan’s Perth stop in the Beyond Order Tour. The best employees or bosses are multi-dimensional. In other words, they have technical skills as much as social and negotiating skills. As a result, these traits improve overall life as much as they do work life.

Click here to watch the tour:


Discovering Personality:
Self Authoring Suite:
Understand Myself (personality test):

// BOOKS //
Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life:
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos:
Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief:

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49 thoughts on “Working class jobs and wisdom”

  1. Please, no one cares about working class people. Explain to me why nurses and electricians earn a lot less than politicians and lobbyists if there’s so much demand for working class services.

  2. I am a heavy diesel mechanic by trade and from a small farm. I went to University at night and studied law for 4 years. While I learnt alot in College, my trade has made me very sharp, aware of my surroundings and astute.
    From experience mechanics seem to be the best to speak and give the best answers.

  3. No. You're there to work, not goof off and make friends, frankly. My current job has an environment like described in the video. It's a job,not a career, but that doesn't mean I don't work hard and take it seriously

  4. The one thing that really didn’t translate into writing was when JP asked why the rail workers all call him Howdy Doody and the answer was, “Because you look nothing like him.” In the book it felt like an explanation and apology but when I heard him channel the worker I realized that the explanation was deadpan sarcasm.

  5. I came from a white-collar family and married a commercial carpenter and field superintendent. Our son, after two years of college, decided to become a millwright. Those two are some of the most decent human beings I know.
    Your description is right on target!

  6. I dont know so much about religion, meaning, or purpose. But when i listen to jordan i find meaning through his words. I hope he continues spreading his kindness. And thats all he offers…kindness

  7. I grew up during the early days of NASA's rocket program. I learned all the lingo. At the age of 45, I got a job working as maintenance at a public park. My coworker (same job) was a "try all things till it works" kind of guy. I would sit back and analyze things first and sometimes things would just fly together. I'd say "At NASA, we'd look at it this way..". He started calling me "Professor" and all the other workers were awed that he's coworker was a former rocket scientist. He would go out to distant parks and fix things, prefacing it with, "My partner would fix it this way at NASA". Word went up the chain and personell wanted to know why I never mentioned NASA as my prev job. I jokingly told them I was fired because I ate during "Launch", and never gave them a straight answer.

  8. If you find yourself in a workplace like this where it seems like you're BETTER and should BE ELSEWHERE, understand you're going through the easiest gateway to blessings. Because if you can tap into the GOSPEL of FIRST SHALL BE LAST and fit in with the so called LESSERS, you will advance RAPIDLY through LIFE and WORK. The hard things sometimes are the easiest.

  9. I have a professional job now, but most of my closest friends are from my nightclub bouncing days. Great memories and some great, reliable blokes.

    I remember when I was a new, young white kid at 19 with the rest of the boys being Pacific Islanders. They were intimidating blokes but if you kept your head down and did your work, then you’d be accepted into the fold and they’d be thinking, “yeah Corey’s alright, he does his work”.
    Then they became my friends and I was one of them and they looked after me.
    Grateful for those experiences now.

  10. I wonder how many people who paid money to see this live remember how many times he has repeated what he said here in a different way. He's literally just milking it at this point (or he doesn't realise how badly he has run out of ideas).

  11. Having worked in a similar job as he describes, I never broke it down. He is 100% on point and we had no idea why we did the things we would do other than initializing the worker to see if they could hang. Forms a sort of respect and understanding.

  12. Absolutely correct, having been blue collar all my working life I can relate to the dark humour which existed decades ago when I started working as a trade apprentice in a large engineering company you were ribbed constantly and were the but of many jokes, ie go to the stores for a left hand screwdriver or go for a long stand etc but if you took It ok or well you were accepted as part of the group it helped develop you for the grinding reality of hard labour, I don't believe that what was tolerated decades ago would be acceptable now which is why many struggle with interactions at work

  13. I would like to put it this way. All of us have some purpose and we all do the best we can at the given moment. The difference that moves certain humans on different levels is the will. Will for knowing more of what makes you whole and gives You purpose to be and do whatever it is that You want in life.

  14. The Worlds Governments are implamenting CBDC's and it is a methoed of controlling money. Who controls the money controls the World.WEF want's a one World Government and we will all be controlled and freedom as we know it will be gone.

    I come to you in hope you can have your followers help Dr Steven Greer get his word out to stop US Black Op's starting a war with friendly life forms from other planets. please take the time to watch on youtube Dr Steven Greer and CE5. We need to stand up to our corrupt government and stop weapons in space.

    We are prisoners here on Earth but we don't have to be. We need the People of Mother Earth to stand up to the few who enslave us all. Please help as we are running out of time for Freedom and Humanity we have all been lied too.


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