Work-from-home to the rescue? How remote workers are fueling the labor force

CNBC’s Steve Liesman and Roger Ferguson, former Federal Reserve vice chairman, join ‘Squawk Box’ to discuss whether work-from-home workers are fueling the rebound in labor supply and benefitting the broader economy, the impact on inflation and the Fed’s rate hike campaign, and more. For access to live and exclusive video from CNBC subscribe to CNBC PRO:

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12 thoughts on “Work-from-home to the rescue? How remote workers are fueling the labor force”

  1. Steve's concluding observation, that we don't know what inning the work-from-home phenomenon is in, is something that could be viewed through the lens of the commercial real estate market and demand for street-level retail space in downtown areas (which typically serve people who work in commercial office space).

  2. Time to Fill the AI / EV Sector Dips in Aug for Long-term Gains. * SOUN… Soundhound Voice AI Assistant. 2nd qt Earnings Aug 8 th. 42 % Revenue Growth..Only 219 mil shares. EPS beat 16 %..Revenue beat 8 %.. Partnerships with White Castle.. Big Oven.. Mercedes-Benz… Netflix…Hyundai…Pandora's…many more. * PLUG….* EVGO…* BLNK…* CHPT….*XOS Trucks.?

  3. This is my fifth year after retirement. I’ve been following the 4% rule thing, but this isn’t really how hard I expected things to be. I still have about $460k outside funds in my IRA to invest in stocks. Pls how do I take advantage of the market turnaround?🚀

  4. It's demographics people. The boomers are almost half retired. It's very difficult to fill the positions open from the largest generation. You won't have an easing of wage growth until the children of the millennials (the next largest generation) come of age and enter the workforce. It's going to take about 15 years for this labor shortage to work it self out. Gen X is simply not a large enough cohort to fill the need. Simple math folks.

  5. If, a big if, corporations require everyone to come back in person to work, this will be a huge, huge negative catalyst for the economy. There are a lot of people working from home that discretionary/cyclical spend only because they are able to avoid traditional expenses such as child care, transportation, eat out work lunch, work clothing, etc. And, many of those people are able to work two or more jobs from home, and they will not likely be able to continue with the multiple/side hustles on the earnings side because you they lose too much time to commuting to the main job, interference from the main job, both jobs require back to in person and you can't be at two places at once, etc. Massive collapse in discretionary/cyclical spending, folks, if everyone is forced to come back to in person.

  6. @5:10 " Inflation does seem to be moderating…"
    — the GOP is going to have to propose real policies, rather than only culture issues, as the economy is so productive.

    Since 1912, what have conservatives, ever actually legislated, for the middle class and working class ?

    The R party ran a candidate in 1936 named Alfred Landon, whose only platform was:

    " Repeal Social Security and repeal Unemployment Insurance
    — where would America be right now if they had listened to those backward Mitch McConnell types ?

    They're always " against " something, but never for progress.

  7. Work from home isn't helping. People are not doing their jobs at home and worker productivity is through the toilet. Laziest generation ever.


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