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Sister Barbara and Brother Dan
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  1. If the SON therefore shall make you free, ye shall be Free Indeed,  John 8:36
    Pride is Satan's sin.  Don't allow it to be yours, ASK Yeshua/Jesus to forgive your sins, and come into your life  from your heart! while U still have breath, NOW.    People get ready "Jesus IS coming for His Own, "Be 0ne"
    Not to Ask Yeshua/Jesus to forgive your sins is the Only Unforgivable Sin,"Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit""
     Don't Gamble with your eternal SoulGet those sins Forgiven Ask NOW1"

  2. You are a walking miracle because the Lord wasn’t finished with you yet. You bless me and confirm things that I’m feeling. Praise and Hallaluyah 🌸

  3. Please continue to pray for my little three year old and myself. I am battling disobedience, rebellion and I pray that this is temporary and soon shall pass. Please pray that I keep my patience and lead her out of this stage. I’m a single mom and it is difficult at times.

  4. God bless you always Sister Barbara and Brother Dan and everyone everyday 🙏
    Stay Strong and Focused on The Kingdom of God everyday and put on The Full Armor of God everyday.🛡️🗡️💪👼
    Pray for everyone everyday and love one another always.
    Put your Trust and Faith in The Lord Jesus Christ and repent your sins everyday 🙏.
    Time is running out soon everyone.
    Thank you so much and Blessings everyday

  5. I am a witness to you Sister!! I dreamt this very thing last night!! The blackouts & water rationing!! Then one day, it all won't come back on! May God Bless us all!!! 🙏🏼✝️

  6. Definitely not a prophecy. It's been going on Here on the Islands for over one month. Serious water Rations. Not me tho. Its the only place its raining. My house. God is BETTER THAN GOOD!!!

  7. I believe the Rothschild's own our utilities and they are the Synagogue of Satan, including Klaus Schwab, Kissinger, Gates, Soros, and others. Our Government are their puppets, they've been paid well.
    I pray that Father God exposes their crimes against humanity that has been at least over a century, in Jesus' Name Amen, 🙏

  8. This is the scariest scenario I could imagine . My daughter who's 10 was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a year ago this July. She cannot survive without insulin and her insulin is only good for 30 days without refrigeration. Pray for me and my children for understanding, for healing, and for faith. I feel as though I'm lost right now. I feel like I've failed God and my children. I've been in survival mode for so long now. Her father I was with for 13 years left, my oldest tried to commit suicide in army boot camp and survived, my oldest stepchild I still take care of even though her dad left, her mother died of an overdose. All of this has happened in the last 3 years. After my family moved to the Ozarks because I felt like that was where God led me to move. I'm struggling just to survive everyday with bills, working around my ex's schedule so someone's always at home with my daughter. I need God more than ever but keep feeling as though I'm further, and further away from him. Please Godhealer7 pray for me and my children.

  9. 💥 The final countdown has begun💥 the Antichrist is on his way to Jerusalem sometime between Monday through Friday this coming week and he is going to the holy place of Jerusalem this is where they sing and dance and read the Bible and pray read the scroll and the tour at someone has put up a WebCam so you can watch go to YouTube Jerusalem live western wall we could be in for a bumpy ride or the rapture of the church will happen so be ready

  10. See now that I, [even] I, [am] he, and [there is] no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither [is there any] that can deliver out of my hand. – Deu 32:39 KJV
    For I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I live for ever. – Deu 32:40 KJV
    If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me. – Deu 32:41 KJV
    I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh; [and that] with the blood of the slain and of the captives, from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy. – Deu 32:42 KJV
    Rejoice, O ye nations, [with] his people: for he will avenge the blood of his servants, and will render vengeance to his adversaries, and will be merciful unto his land, [and] to his people. – Deu 32:43 KJV

  11. Dear sister Barbara, I live in Scotland UK 🇬🇧, our Gas and electricity prices have increased by 54%!!!! Which came into effect recently, with a further increase due in October. Our climate is cold with only a short summer. Many, including myself are going to have to choose between heating their house or food.

  12. I have some concerns about your teaching and the effects it has on my son. Whom is a firm believer and has a sincere love for God. He listens to you often, and gets so caught up on end times he can't function with every day life! He has stocked pile food that has spoiled, great amounts of food, he quits jobs because he thinks the world is going to end in a few weeks. He's so freaked out by people who has taken the Vaccine ( thinking it's from the devil) he's practically scared to leave home! It's a hard and terrifying thing to watch as mother. I can't stop him from watching, but in your teaching may you please teach him how to function in every day life while waiting on the Lord. I refuse to believe that all prophecies are doom and gloom! I know God has words to put in people's mouths to uplifted them in these troubled times

  13. Hello everyone, I am sending a prayer request for Michèle: she doesn’t know the Lord and she is between life and death after a heart surgery. Please ask that Jesus extends her life so she hears the gospel and doesn’t perish in her sins! Lord Jesus please heal her heart, lungs and restore all the blood she lost. Thank you everyone 💛


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