"Women Shouldn't Have To Get 2 Jobs To Survive…" Complaining About Work Culture and Cost of Living

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Anton Daniels
P.O. Box 27
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#antondaniels #recession #broke #inflation


20 thoughts on “"Women Shouldn't Have To Get 2 Jobs To Survive…" Complaining About Work Culture and Cost of Living”

  1. My sympathy is 0. Empathy for some but 1st all. Being a single parent is choice it's not up for complaints. It I'd an assumption that you continue degrees to delay student loan payments, choice. If anything you should master economics and economic history to understand that fiat money has had its course. It will not get easier. So either swim or sink.

  2. People are never satisfied!!! You could have a good paying career you complain…you could be dead azz broke and still complain about being broke lol!!! That's ok when A.I. (artificial intelligence) robots kick in and take your job and the government start the universal base income payment for everyone then people are really going to be out of their mind….

  3. I have to ask just a theory in my head I know I could be wrong. But since women started working there is more women then men which would would mean more jobs more money and more spending which would make the economy fluctuate and rise? So if only men were working and women were to be housewife’s would that mean less spending power more tasks for men and more money in the household? 🤷🏿‍♂️

  4. I’ve been saying this. The workers moaning but have security. When the bills come the money is in the account.
    They don’t know about getting the money yourself. It’s a whole new world.

    And the point you made about most are not cut out to be bosses and business owners is so overlooked.
    They don’t have the drive, money management skills, the knowledge, people skills, the common sense, problem solving skills the list goes on and on.
    One thing you did miss is when it comes to the time you have off and holidays costs you double and then some.
    Not only are you spending you are losing more as you ain’t making but still paying bills while on holiday.
    You can also lose clients and contracts costing you even more or leaving people in charge which can be even more costly.
    All this victim thing they wanna play doesn’t work as a business owner you just have to suck it up and get on with it.
    There’s no one to look to for help or sympathy these bills and people have to be paid and work has to be done.

    80k a year an ex druggie got you living good, your daughter is good on your third degree and you are complaining.
    If anything them degrees are setting her back. Pure debt two jobs doing a degree and a child. That child is clearly neglected.
    I don’t care what anyone says there is not enough time in the day to do that. Even two jobs the child is neglected.

    She is lucky to be alive and her daughter could be dead or in care as well.
    She could be homeless.
    She needs to get her priorities in check because them degrees ain’t helping.

    This society is way too weak and it’s fashionable and cherished to be a forever victim.
    She has made it in life compared to where she was and doing better than most especially to come from being on herion.

  5. If women stayed home, would men have been getting paid more since the worker amount would be almost half to what it is now? Like during the pandemic when people were refusing to work because of govt. checks and companies were willing to pay more and give more benefits?

  6. Most people don't understand a very simple concept that you are touching on. I call it… THE BIGGER HAT RACK THEORY!! It goes like this… As you go through life and you become more educated wiser and more experienced, life and work hands you more hats that you need to wear. There are times that you can discard some of the hats that you were given in prior times. But for the most part the only thing life offers you beyond more hats is a bigger hat rack on which to store these hats that you constantly have to change throughout the day. So get used to it. It's not me, it's life.

  7. Btw it's not a problem when men have to have multiple jobs. It's only a problem when women have to have multiple jobs. I'm joking of course. We live in a society where there is no double standard whatsoever. Absolutely nothing to see here. Just keep on moving.

  8. meh, it's easy for Anton to say this because he owns a business.

    I'm an entrepreneur too and I work 12 hours a day. However, the work is more fulfilling because I'm living in my purpose.

    Most folks who work at the Post Office or the local Power Plant are doing work they don't like with people they can't stand. Those scenarios make working much harder…


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