Women At War: Afghanistan

Alex Crawford makes contact with the informal networks of women’s resistance groups struggling to maintain their basic human rights, their freedom and their identity in Afghanistan.

This is the first film in a new three-part Sky News documentary series where special correspondent Alex Crawford looks at the fight for women’s rights in the world’s most hostile environments.

Warning: Contains footage of malnourished children.

#afghanistan #skynews #taliban

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36 thoughts on “Women At War: Afghanistan”

  1. Women need
    Medical care
    Jobs for their husbands
    Business for society

    Plz 1st consider providing this,,
    U are suffocating Afghanistan with sanctions,,

    But u want our daughters to be in bazzar what even out most of women / majority dont want,,

  2. Woman are not property and in 2022 there should be no oppression of females,rapes,mutilation or violence towards them or any other person.
    They are equal to men but in different ways as they use the other side of their brain,it's not a threat its an assets as ,male /female are different sides of the same coin as Mother is to father.daughter to son,sister to brother .by oppressing them your just oppression your own evolution.
    Stop bulling and seeing females as property .
    We talk about ending racism and inequality in all its shapes and forms and this is part of it .
    We're in 2022 ,stop the barbaric primitive bullying behaviour

  3. There is are millions Afghanistan people that are in risk of dying from starvation, yet only thing media outlet like Sky news and others are interested in is women right seriously? Maybe they should try to help deal with massive famine crisis in Afghanistan first before talking about insignificant issue of women rights.

  4. Many if Afghanistan are dying of starvation but here is feminist woman pusting feminist propaganda. Schoole are not free, but They want education for woman. A country that has been invated by the USA for 40 years

  5. The Men and Women of Afghanistan had more than a decade to, inform on, deny, block, fight and destroy the Taliban, root and branch, they didn't they chose not to do so.
    These same people will travel to or are already in the West, where they will recreate what they left at home, with the same backward, primitive beliefs, demands and life choices

  6. "🙏🏻🌹🌹 Mahsa Amini's Revolution 🌹🌹🙏🏻"

    “Zan, Zandegi, Azadi”

    “Woman, Life, Freedom”

    “They Have Money For War But Can’t Feed The Poor.”

    “Real eyes, realize, real lies…”

  7. All sold out to the satanic agenda of the west. There is no strict interpretation this is the only interpretation. I urge brits not to wat h sky or any news Channel. Just watch Yvonne ridley US journalist who visited Afghanistan In 2001 then later converted to islam.

  8. It’s about time the men got a taste of their own medicine…..first of all I would make them wear a hijab…strip them of everything they own!!! They are nothing but sub human savages!!😤😤😤😪

  9. Some stupid and unreasonable people in the comment section saying all lies western propaganda, but thousands of afghan people wanted to leave with the west to the west when they were leaving and thousands still want to leave..


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