Women Are ANGRY That Men Are Traveling Abroad For Love And Marriage

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31 thoughts on “Women Are ANGRY That Men Are Traveling Abroad For Love And Marriage”

  1. Black men don't like to be berated. I don't get why women in the black community think it's OK for them to do so. It's very ofputting, and then they get mad that brothers are done with it and leaving. Maybe it's an upbringing thing. I, myself have zero tolerance for being spoken to the way that woman was speaking to Passport Bros. It's about respect.

  2. Money comes and goes.

    To have money as your most important characteristic is literally the stupidest item.

    You could go bankrupt tomorrow or win the lotto.

    Strength of character determines how well someone will do in life. Or if you want a random one say a dude that is lucky.

  3. RIP Kevin Samuels!🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽The man was SAVAGE when he needed to be! He told us men to go where we are respected and appreciated and some of us are utilizing the passport!

  4. 51% of black men are childless and single! We don't have to stay and put up with black women or any one of you western women! Keep your attitude and masculine energy! As us men age with their beautiful, traditional, woman and be happy, you will age and go down with your dog or cat! Later!

  5. Wow another bitter hateful woman…I am a proud passport brother with a beautiful foreign wife. My yearly is 80/110000 yet I am still considered broke, dusty, ain't shit, low class, and not a so called baller. I see my wife every 6mos guessing I am using her for sex. 5ys of marriage and our 1st house with 3 Apts is 90% completed all out of pocket.. my wife is on my program with her feedback and or ideas with every decision . Her femininity and humbleness isn't conditional or based on my income. It is drilled and rooted in her from childhood. My wife never asked me how much money I make, type of car I drive, etc. The latest hand bag, outfit, phone, sneakers, weaves, eyelashes is never in her conversation. Our house is clean. 3 meals per day, clothing washed, and if I happen to get home later after handling business she gets up and sets my plate, turns the hot water on and set my towel n washcloth,..useless telling my wife not to get out of bed I can handle it.. I have to sneak to cook or wait until she leaves the house…I went where I am loved, admired, needed, valued, honored, respected, and not having my manhood questioned. If this is hell I am loving it.

  6. women are angry that men are going abroad to find love and marriage….

    nah, sorry. tough luck ladies. you brought this on yourself. you can't reject a job offer that suits you and then call the company back saying you have second thoughts on rejecting the job offer. if you want something, go and get it. don't expect things to be handed to you.

  7. I'm 6'1, decent looking and in decent shape, in my 30s, and work in a professional field earning over 6 figures and no way in hell will I ever marry an American woman. They are just for pump and dumps with minimal investment though I will never say that to them. Let them burn and sink in their delusion. The bubble will burst in the West soon enough. I have my passport.

  8. The amount of movements (Passport Bros, MGTOW, Red Pill, PUA, etc…), the amount of videos that have come out in the last 5 years regarding mens dating (telling men to leave women alone in general, just have sex with them and not marry them, don't get married), it is AMAZING that women still haven't learned. There are about to be a record number of unmarried, unhappy women in this country and many women (not all) are too stupid to get it. Their "put a ring on it" ship is severely sinking and they're still just laughing and dancing away like everything's fine.

  9. Exploring to find out who you are! Your 20 sis your fucking nothing, whats to explore. Old black woman should get your sorry ass to work and quit relying on the man to support your sorry ass mis equal.

  10. Start doing this during a date and ima pretend like im intrested order the most exspensive thing on the menu and bounce to my car cough i mean bathroom and never return 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  11. These women are not talking no sense at all. These men are not usually pookeys or Ray Rays. A lot of time they are stable men who have their life together.. Women can no longer use these men as a back up plans when they had enough of pookey and been ran through. Men are no longer the clean up men for pookey and Ray Ray. No matter how you word it this is a serious blow to all women because not only black women do this but I have seen this in the white community

  12. Ask a man what settling down is and he'll tell you getting a good woman, getting married, build a home, have children, and live happily. Ask a woman what settling down is and she'll tell you that she will have to settle for a man who is lesser than her.
    Women forget that those common every day guys are actually the ones who build their whole world. I find it so humorous that women wanted to compete against men, when we built the automatic dishwasher. All they have to do is load it and turn it on. Washer and dryer, stick the clothes in and push a button. Cooking, throw a store bought lasagna in the oven and wait 30 min. The little vacuum cleaner that runs though the house and charges itself, what is it going to do trip them? They would rather take the hard road then stay at home relaxing, and if she has to get relief from the kids for a few hours, that's what day care is for!!!
    It's just such a horrible life, being pampered as a traditional woman with a traditional man, and they wondered why men are leaving. Passport bro's, MGTOW, whatever they call it, that should be a wake-up call to women, but they still want it the hard way, so they double down.

  13. Passport Bros are going to hit critical mass soon. Because of the internet, men can make money anywhere in the world.

    Western women are losing, and losing big time. Not only do they get no commitment from Chad and Tyrone, but they ignore the "95 Percenters," the men they see as "invisible" and not worth their time.

    The problem is, the system that women set up over the course of 30 years, from 1970 to 2000, is done. Men learned how to beat it in 20 years, roughly, by doing two things:
    1) Don't engage with "modern Western women," let alone play the game that is rigged by women against men — including dating and marriage.
    2) If a man wants a woman, to get his passport, go overseas, find a woman, and stay there.

    The system in the West has now failed. Women no longer can get a man to pay $10 for a coffee date, let alone the money a woman used to be able to extort through alimomy and child support. As a result, when the Passport Bros leave, the taxpayers also leave. Which means no more living life on Easy Mode. It's also why RP dating "roaches" like Donovan Sharpe want men to stay in the West, just like Western women do — because the roaches know, just like the women, that men aren't buying what they are selling any more. And what the inevitable end is, the dysfunction and outright decay of a once thriving civilization, because the men who built, protected, and nurtured the civilization, the 95 Percenters, will be gone. And I want people to think about this: What jobs, besides medical and law, are women anywhere near the numbers of men in the field? Not many, if any. And it makes me wonder how many women are going to be garbage workers, construction workers, electricians, auto mechanics, IT workers. The list is almost inexhaustible. And every job you can think of, a man works 60 to 80 hours per week, with an average of 44 hours per week, every month of every year. Now think about how much tax revenue goes to government. THAT is the money that Western women are mad isn't being collected by government when the Passport Bros leave, and tell other men to leave too.

  14. Hahahahahahahaha. There are definitely some beautiful well mannered black women here in California. She needs to get her act together because she is talking out of bounds.


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