Woman who called 911 had ambulance drive by her before she died of hypothermia in Milwaukee

Milwaukee Fire Department officials and leaders of the private Curtis Ambulance service are facing backlash after they revealed a Curtis crew did not get out of their truck to look for a woman who fell, hit her head near a bus stop and died of hypothermia earlier this month.

A news conference Tuesday made clear the timeline of when, and how, both the Curtis Ambulance crew and later the Milwaukee Fire Department crew responded to the scene at North 76th and West Congress streets.

The Curtis crew spent about two minutes looking out the windows of their truck for the woman who fell and about four minutes total at the scene. Surveillance footage captured the sequence of events near a bus stop in Milwaukee.

A full timeline of events: https://bit.ly/4bktoK5
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5 thoughts on “Woman who called 911 had ambulance drive by her before she died of hypothermia in Milwaukee”

  1. Wow…
    Even though it says she died from hypothermia I say it’s more from her head injury .
    You could see how she’s struggling to stand, and she ends up, laying her self down on the ground .
    The ambulance called her phone, and she did not answer, she may have been gone already .
    She appear to be bundled up, so I’m not sure about the hypothermia claim, only the autopsy can determine the cause of death.

  2. What the heck? What about that humanoid that just basically stepped over her, took a look and kept walking? He could have at least flagged down some cars for help. Jesus

  3. What I don't get is why these incompetent idiots didn't call PD for help in searching when they said they tried calling her number back & getting no response, where I live if 911 gets a call & they arrive on a scene & no one is there & they call back with no answer they dispatch Police, so why the hell didn't they do that in this situation.


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