Woman viciously beats 13-year-old inside Harbor City McDonald's

The woman randomly attacked the eighth-grader after she walked out of the bathroom. Rachel Kim reports.


38 thoughts on “Woman viciously beats 13-year-old inside Harbor City McDonald's”

  1. Love it! There should be more of this lady in our society to discipline these rude, lack of manner teens since they don’t get the proper discipline at home. This lady is a hero to our community, Fake media trying to portray her as the bad person. We need more heroes like this lady! 😂😂😂

  2. 😮She’s definitely an ANIMAL for doing that child like that! Prosecute her to the FULLEST with no mercy. Put her behind bars and let her fight someone that looks like her GINORMOUS PITIFUL BULLY SHAMEFUL

  3. Im sure she and her friends where mouthing off,thas why the lady said she fights young kids too.She didnt believe her,and got handled!!! When McDz releases the video,we'll all see the truth!!! Hope little girl learned that day!!!

  4. Yes, it is wrong that people recorded instead of helping. However, not many bystanders were bigger than this woman and would not have been able to stop this. They did get a good picture of her though, she will be caught and charged.

  5. The girl was causing a scene and took a swing at the woman first. Release the whole footage from McDonald’s security cams. My son was there. She did go too far with the beat down. But this far from just a random woman beating down a random 4.0 student.

  6. That couldnt have been my daughter. I wish we could have switched places just for that moment. You wanna fight somebody pick on someone your own size. I hope she gets the same damn beating in prison just like she gave this child. Nobodybhelping just standing around recording and shit. This is what the world has come too

  7. I wouldn't be surprised if she provoked the lady. Kids have no respect these days. It wasn't right, but hey, if you act like an adult you may be treated like an adult by someone who is not going to put up with disrespect.

  8. Take her children away. Let her understand it fully. She needs felony charges. Assault and battery. Child abuse charges. Society needs to make her Ugliest behavior be paid for it community service and all. 2,000.00 fine. Momma sue this woman for emotional damages inflicted on that child. NOW that be justice

  9. Look how long it took that Punk to stop it. People get on my nerves these days, they think everything is funny. This young girl is getting beat up by this big elephant and they think that that's funny.
    I don't know what kind of brownie points she thinks she gets for beating up that little girl. You big ox


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