Woman High On Crack Cocaine Escapes death – DWI Arrest

Woman High On Crack Cocaine Escapes death

#police #bodycam #cops


** Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Any suspect or suspects shown here are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. **

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24 thoughts on “Woman High On Crack Cocaine Escapes death – DWI Arrest”

  1. "Can I call my girlfriend to get the car?"
    "Mam, you car is in two pieces!"
    ……"I wasn't driving!"
    ๐ŸคกI swear it must be in embedded in the DNA of EVERY woman on this planet to be incapable of accepting accountability๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚I cant believe some ACTUALLY believe they could survive without men, they MUST be trolling.

  2. SMH at the level of ignorance guilty people express. Also, I noticed while attending to her at the crash that the officer had to literally yell at rubber neckers in traffic holding up traffic even further to look. If you're one of these people, you SUCK HARD !!! Rubber neckers hold up traffic and further cause it to slow even further and also the ambulance no longer has the emergency lane and has to reply on moving traffic in order to attend to the injured. So, PLEASE don't slow to look at wrecks.

  3. That really fast ok like he don't give a fk about him has me twisted lol this attitude needs to be checked. Searching through somones stuff too steal their stuff isn't justice it's revenge. Big ol difference


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