Wolfblood – Wolfsbane

During a sleepover with her friends at Shannon’s, Maddy is given wolfsbane and fails to control her inner wolf.


10 thoughts on “Wolfblood – Wolfsbane”

  1. I actually think both maddy and Shannon are in the wrong, maddy should just tell them but I can see why she doesn’t want to with the way Shannon investigates her, maddy complains about keeping the secret and the old school wolfs to her parents but hasn’t done anything to break the cycle as of so far.

  2. I feel like people have forgotten that maddy is lying about being a wolf blood to her friends to protect her family and other wolf bloods. Tom literally said last epi the any form of authority found out about her being a wolf blood their take her away and experiment on her. Her parents have told her to keep it a secret for YEARS. At least she has a justified excuse want does Shannon have? Fear of being called crazy cuz no one believes she found a normal looking wolf in the woods? If anything maddy would be selfish as hell to reveal the truth and risky the lives of wolf bloods because of some self guilt.


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