With 10th Edition coming – Could Warhammer 40k actually become mainstream? – 40k After Dark

……And do we want it to be…..

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20 thoughts on “With 10th Edition coming – Could Warhammer 40k actually become mainstream? – 40k After Dark”

  1. Comment for the comment god. I'm always surprised the ip has not gone mainstream throughout its life. Nowadays mainstream doesn't feel like it would be a great thing. From a business sense pushing the old world ip would be cheaper as you wouldn't have to water it down as much and alienate your existing fan base searching for that fabled wider audience.

  2. It might be more well known in some places, like the UK, but I think for 40K to be mainstream, it pretty much needs to be worldwide… Not in just a small portion of it.

    I don't think 40K is as mainstream as Doctor Who, but even that isn't well known in the USA, just the geekier parts.
    Once Disney+ starts showing it that might get more of a US audience.

    And since you broadcast on the internet, for New Zealand this is an 8:30am Saturday morning show.
    Any kids might be watching cartoons on tv, if that is still a thing, but it is nice to hear some f and c bombs this time of the morning.

  3. I do agree that Dawn of War and Space Marine already did put 40k on the map for a lot of people who didn't know anything about the table top, myself included. What I think happened is that Dawn of War 3 flopped so hard most people kind of forgot about 40k. Darktide coming out so badly also didn't do much for it. Meanwhile Total War: Warhammer did wonders for the Old World.

  4. 40 K could become main stream in terms of their movies or other intellectual properties, but their business practices would immediately destroy them. Look at how marvel from 08 to phase 4 did incredible business with their movies. But after 2015, they got involved with the whole woke movement and social justice viewpoints. The comic end of things, both marvel, and DC are sinking. Their comments are worth less. GW‘s problems are different, but the same they don’t have the infrastructure to provide for such growth! New players would find them through the movies, but once they couldn’t get their models, they find something else to do with their money. GW Hass to become a more Global company even if that just means open up factories in the US but they have to get their price down outside of England.

  5. Hi Liam and Lucy. Truly love to hear you chat, it makes my shifts go so much smoother. Anyway, I was thinking about if 40k was mainstream and at first I was like, no it's not. Perhaps in the UK but in Sweden? Then I realised. In my town,there is a shop the sells 40k, and in the larger town 20 minutes drive from me, there are 3 shops. So yeah. It is probably mainstreamish? If you ever travel to Sweden you have a place to sleep. And if you want to have a larger than normal game with narrative feeling I have a very large siege of vraks table with trenches and craters.

  6. That guy 'B' thinking he will be called a bigot, is right coz he is, using words like woke as a negative etc is an instant red flag for being one lol. Leave your culture war rhetoric out of our hobby. There's plenty of dark twisted stuff on TV as Liam said. I think the question to be asked is what rating will the producers choose 40k to go down, frankly yes it should be 18, but if they choose the mass market like the shit marvel knock out for kids, that would be a worry.

  7. I don't think GW as a business could cope with a worldwide mainstream product personally but I would say it is UK mainstream already.
    I myself can't see any negatives to it going more mainstream, more people involved means more communities, more artists, more writers,, more players sounds great to me.
    The concerns about it going "woke" (whatever that buzzword means in this case) are abit strange to me as part of 40ks founding lore is built on satire of the worst ideals that "woke" pushes against.
    Whatever happens Nids will always consume everything so the setting will stay grim and dark and if a concern for people is something like female space marines surely the whole population going through the horrendous creation process they go through to fight galactic murder bugs is more grimdark than only half the population going through it.
    Keep up the good work Liam and Co.

  8. going mainstream and then taming down the setting is not the order it would happen in. If the setting is toned down it is because GW think they can sell more models that way. If they hit mainstream without toning down the content making changes would surely be a risk.

  9. I think the "Go Woke, Go Broke" thing is hilarious because if you seriously think any of these large corporations are going to go broke because they put rainbow flags or LGBTQ+ characters in their media then I have a bridge to sell you!

    They'll still make money, just not from *you*. Disney, Marvel, etc., will still make money from parent's and their kiddies who want to see the latest movie, buy the newest videogame, action figures and so on.

    So yeah, wave your flag of Go Woke Go Broke and watch history leave you behind!

  10. I believe inclusion of more people is a positive, but respecting perspectives is crucial respecting doesn’t mean changing, and realising that a narrative like 40k is fictional not a realistic representation of society today or in the future. It’s grim, dark and full of diversity just not from a context we can ever influence as a individual it’s a story/game. If, 40k changes due to group opinions then 40k becomes a social influencer, political influencer, and commercial influencer at that point becomes imbalanced. Then not a story/game, but a echo chamber for promotion of views and trends.

  11. just want to talk about "x becoming more mainstream" its a double edged sword. i want my hobbys to become more mainstream because it means more interest and more money into it. what i dont want is people appropriating it for their own agenda. simpler easier to learn and easier to get into means i can get more friends into. that means i have more poepl i enjoy being around in the hobby. if people i dont like being around join the hobby thats fine because i can avoid those people. i just want 40k to be fun ans easily accessible at its core

  12. I don't think the "woke" issue will be a thing. It may be anecdotal but I have been playing since 3nd edition. I have always found the player base to be welcoming and progressive, mostly made up of "woke" people.

  13. Wargaming will never be mainstream. The barrier to entry of understanding a highly complex 2D game in 3D realspace is quite a conundrum for people to get their brain around. Not even everyone knows how to play Chess(at a basic level) or even Monopoly. Do you really think that any wargame will ever be mainstream? No way. Even the gameplay of 'Crisis Protocol' is barely known by actual long-in-the-tooth wargamers, and that's a Marvel product with a huge budget. That alone speaks volumes really.

  14. a gentle warning to 40k people, you want to know what would happen to the game if it went main stream? look what happened to magic the gathering, lower barrier to entry but the game did suffer due dulling down and lore destruction. then youll get SJW in in hobby and it will be bad.


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