Witch Hunt – Let's Play Dragon Age: Origins Blind [PC Gameplay]

In this video of my blind gameplay/walkthrough of Dragon Age Origins, we check out the Witch Hunt expansion DLC.
β–Ί More DAO: http://bit.ly/Welonz_DragonAge | If you enjoyed the video, consider leaving a like and/or comment as support!

Mods in this Dragon Age: Origins Human Noble Playthrough:
Large Address Aware/4GB Patch for Memory Issue: https://ntcore.com/?page_id=371
FtG UI Mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/73
FtG QuickBar: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/2784/
Dragon Age Origins 4K 60FPS Cinematics Mod (1440p version): https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/5497
More Detailed Tooltips (Fixes & Tweaks): https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4499
Qwinn’s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3.52: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4689
Theta HD: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/3869
No Helmet Hack 1_6: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/202


Hi, I’m Welonz! I love games with great stories, and on this channel, I primarily play titles with engaging and immersive narrative-driven experiences: anything from medieval fantasy to futuristic sci-fi, from hidden indie gems to high-profile AAA hits.

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β–Ί Dragon Age: Origins

Official website: https://www.ea.com/games/dragon-age
Developer: Bioware
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/47810/Dragon_Age_Origins__Ultimate_Edition/

β–Ί Dragon Age: Origins Story Synopsis

You are a Grey Warden, one of the last of a legendary order of guardians. With the return of an ancient foe and the kingdom engulfed in civil war, you have been chosen by fate to unite the shattered lands and slay the archdemon once and for all. Become immersed in a dark and heroic fantasy world enriched with its own unique lore and brought to life by some of the best artists in the industry.

Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening Expansion Pack
The story of the Grey Wardens continues as you are named their commander. Fight new enemies, learn new skills and spells, and explore an all-new area of the world, Amaranthine.

All Nine Content Packs
– The Stone Prisoner
– Warden’s Keep
– Return to Ostagar
– Feastday Gifts
– The Darkspawn Chronicles
– Feastday Pranks
– Leliana’s Song
– The Golems of Amgarrak
– Witch Hunt

#DragonAge #DragonAgeOrigins #Bioware #DragonAge1 #DAO #ElectronicArts


38 thoughts on “Witch Hunt – Let's Play Dragon Age: Origins Blind [PC Gameplay]”

  1. Many of the mages have permission to leave the tower once they've been through their harrowing, especially if they're doing research. Willem (who owned Shale) even lived outside the circle.

  2. If a name is familiar to me, I usually know or know where to find the meaning. Someone like Finn who is a natural scholar of history would probably ask about any unfamiliar name. And considering what his actual name is, his family probably are the sort to make a fuss over names. Of course, most of my family has chosen names for some significance.

  3. Yeah, this DLC was definitely made with the Morrigan romance in mind. The ending is a bit more satisfying as a love story. Instead of just.

    "Hey Morrigan! I found you! Why'd you leave?"
    "I told you I was going to leave. Why are you being so weird about it?"
    "I don't know. Good bye."

  4. Wow it's been a long time since I've played Witch Hunt. At the time I had some of the same reactions you do, such as wondering why on earth I was even following Morrigan. While I like her, she isn't 'The' DAO character for me like she is for many people, and I find it irritating that so much of the tone of your interactions is something the game just seems to presume. Having said that, some of the lore here is really important … I'm actually a bit stunned to see just how early Bioware was already setting up certain things :O

  5. and here we are! it was a great DAO journey and great playthrough, as expected you were very detailed and explored and read all I love it! πŸ™‚ and I am so ready to continue to other games. many questions have been left unanswered, but don't worry much more lore and history coming in next games and so much will be explained. and STILL some question remain to be answered in next DA4 game. so at least you didnt have to wait year and years between these games like rest of us lol πŸ™‚

  6. With regard to the child, remember you were in Denerim for six months after the Battle where you killed the Archdemon and then you headed to Vigil's Keep and ran through all that mess. And had to run all across Ferelden in this DLC as well. At least there's no encounters on the road this time. Not that random bandits would exactly represent a huge problem –

    My headcanon is that Finn and Ariane run away and settle down together to make little Dalish magelings.

    There's some interesting alternative dialogue for various situations, particularly if you didn't let Morrigan's ritual go ahead (by choice or because your persuasion skill wasn't up to it). But a Dalish or Mage Warden gets some dialogue once your companions work out who you are.

  7. I never placed Witch Hunt, so this is my first time actually seeing it and WOW, what a great DLC. I loved every bit of it!
    Eating my (belated) γŠγ›γ‘ζ–™η† while watching this episode and realize what a good fit that was, this marking the end of the Dragon Age: Origins Playthrough and all.
    Please also consider watching the Dragon Age: Origins Trailer for your last DAO wrap up πŸ™‚
    Since you liked Morrigan, I was hoping you would enjoy meeting her again, but seeing this now, I realize how much of a teaser that must be πŸ˜€
    Its has truly been a great journey and I can literally not wait (though I probably will have to) for you to start DA2 ^^ One heads up for the Character Creation there: There is "Default" character, similar to Mass Effect's Shepard, and since you don't enjoy creating characters anyway, it will make the story somewhat smoother if you take the Default one.

  8. @1:35:37; To be fair, Awakening starts 6 months after the Archdemon fight, and you spend a decent amount of time travelling Amaranthine, and the Deep Roads for Golems of Amgarrak.

    It's apparently two weeks from Orzammar to Lake Calehad's Mage Tower entrance, and there's enough time from Ostagar for Uldred to leave, get back to the Circle, attempt to convince Irving to separate from the Chantry, and for demons to be summoned, and for Niall to be under the Sloth Demon's Fade Dream for enough weeks that Niall couldn't be brought back to the physical realm when you defeated the Sloth Demon in the Fade, even if you go there first right after Lothering.

    (Though yeah – from what I understand, the Fifth Blight's canon timeline indicates that it couldn't be that long to travel everywhere, but I could see it being at least nine months since the Archdemon fight + Morrigain Ritual timing.)

  9. I see we have just a little bit more Origins content you plan to go through so I am happy for that. This DLC is a goodish capoff of Origins. Gives just enough information to lead you with those threads to think about as you progress into future installments. It was nice seeing Troy again, always the best boi. And having not played this dlc in forever, it was fun to see Fin and Ariane as well. Their banter was much more lighthearted than the Awakening companions. I love my boy Fin, such a bookworm and a loner, can relate.

  10. I completely forgot to tell you that a lot of items have lore hidden behind the "inspect" ("eye") right click action. Finn's Ghastly Hat for instance says : "Finn's mother knitted this for him during her unfortunate knitting phase, which was preceded by the fishing phase and followed by the candy-making phase. The hat is absolutely ghastly, and Finn hates wearing it."

    Yusaris says: "There is no telling how old this sword is, and yet the edge is still as bright as moonlight. Written on one side of the blade are the words, "You are the mirror." On the other is written, "Reflect.""

    Flemeth's broomstick says: "This staff looks nothing like a broomstick, but Flemeth, the famed Witch of the Wilds, would have little use for a normal broomstick anyway. Whether she actually owned this staff is unclear."

    There's a ton of secondary tidbits of lore like this, but it's a lot of reading for not a whole lot of payoff, even for your let's plays. So please don't feel too bad! Great job with Origins!

  11. Definitely makes more sense with a Romance.

    However you can see it as the Warden regretting giving Morrigan, who has proven multiple times to be willing to do whatever she must to achieve her goals and to hell with everyone else, a literal god-child to do with as she pleases. Who knows what she's going to do with that power, she certainly never told the Warden. Arguably it's a power no one should have and the Warden's weakness in fearing death allowed it to happen.

    Regardless I can not wait for Dragon Age 2! (I totally forgot that Darkspawn Chronicles is a thing lol).

  12. 1:36:05 Yeah, unfortunately everything optional is always bound to amount to almost nothing long term. Including supposed major things like who became king, who survived when they could have died.
    Although I suppose in this case there is some small chance of some alternative way to make a super baby. Maybe tap into another god or eat the archdemon corpse or whatever, but I suspect not much will come of this.

  13. The DLC came out about half a year before DA2 so if you think Witch Hunt feels like one big sequel hook you'd be right!
    At the point this came out they actually knew they'd get to make more.

  14. Tbh its a bit sad for me to hear about Anders' multiple escape attempts. He swam all that way to get free? And then still got caught and was even put into solitary confinement for a whole year last time. That's torture! He's so upbeat though so ig he's fine lol


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