Winnie the Pooh Gets BAKED in a New (NON) Disney Movie?!

Winnie the Pooh is about to get baked in an upcoming NON-Disney movie in which Christopher Robin is trippin’ and imagines the Hundred Acre characters are talking to him. With Disney losing many characters to public domain, there are bound to be a LOT of “unofficial” Pooh movies in the pipeline…

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#Disney #Movies #Animation #Hollywood #WTF


34 thoughts on “Winnie the Pooh Gets BAKED in a New (NON) Disney Movie?!”

  1. Disney is intent now on destroying all their old stuff. So these century + copyright products Disney is so intent on protecting is becoming more and more worthless by the day as no one wants Disney woke crap content or products. It's like paying millions to get a common rock declared a priceless treasure, only to discover no one wants to buy it thereby making it worthless. Oh wait, didn't Disney actually try that with a character in "The High Republic" series, Geode I think the name was. <sigh> There is dumb and Disney dumb, Disney Dumb trumps all other dumb for shear stupidity recently it seems!

  2. So winnie pooh is gonna get turned into a nature version of the movie Friday meets cheech and Chong? And bambi the blood thirty version is just like the game deer revenge. Hm Intresting but idk if it will flourish or if the creator of deer revenge will sue.

  3. The funniest part is of disney wasnt so greedy more creators would have worked with them but their greed chased all the creators to go to other places now a days self publishing is best

  4. Hey you know i qould love for clownfish to speak about self publishing vs a corporate publishing your creativity work as i heard disney is the worst then cartoon network last nick are horrible and the disney steals and seals your creations

  5. when building the dragon, a bunch of stuff when wrong so they named it after Murphy's Law (what can go wrong will go wrong) and that is truly the best part all. It died in a way worthy of its name.

  6. I would personally rather not see more childhood properties be Velma'ed… Despite that, at least Velma, while masquerading as a childhood franchise, made it clear it was not a child friendly version. That is more than I can say for the ideological social indoctrination, Disney Corp is defecating out on children these days; which I see as a far greater offense. The former, I think, was doing it (and largely failing) intending to be humorous and edgy, but the latter, is far more nefarious, given the youthful receptiveness of their intended audience: subverting parental preferences with intentions of far greater consequence. I grew up on Disney television programing, but sadly, I would not trust showing my children their newer content. Even the older will have to be sourced from their pre-evil era media, as you cannot rely on present Disney Corp not to modify their trusted past works now. The PLUS, just ain't worth the fuss!

  7. I get it. There’s a market for cute and wholesome stories turned into horrific nightmares. It’s not my thing, but if people like it that’s fine.

    What I would like to see (and what I think takes more creativity, honestly) is the opposite. Take something very adult and turn it wholesome. My favorite example is that Breaking Bad is really a class of 8th graders theorizing what their goofy chemistry teacher gets up to in his free time. Or that Game of Thrones is a TTRPG with a really extreme DM.

  8. The weird Non-Disney movies coming out…
    Also, Disney would never practice Necromancy… they don't want to risk Walt coming back from the dead… he'd promptly eat their little brains out to get the company back.
    Besides, the White House doesn't want anyone else practicing Necromancy because they don't want Biden's dead body to short out.
    You two are hilarious though. Keep us laughing you two.


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