WinAmp Gets Whipped Again, But Has It Gone Too Far? – This Week In Retro 121

We are once again joined by Mark Fixes Stuff, as last time he was on he missed out on a chat with Neil. This week’s stories are: WinAmp returns transformed, but is it for the better? Did you know that you could run an ISA soundcard through your PC’s TPM port? Sarah Green asks some 80’s kids what they think of some ZX Spectrum games.

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See everything Mark Fixes Stuff has to offer here:

00:00 – Show Opening

06:10 – WinAmp Gets Whipped
Story Link:

20:43 – ISA Fan Of DOS
Story Link:

31:33 – Clash Of The Spectrum Games
Story Link:
Additional Link – Top 10 ZX Spectrum Games:

50:10 – Community Question of the Week

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This Week in Retro is a weekly roundup of the hottest stories from the world of retro gaming and computing, voted on by you, the listener! Hosted by Neil from RMC, Chris from 005 AGIMA and Dave. Edited by Duncan Styles.


34 thoughts on “WinAmp Gets Whipped Again, But Has It Gone Too Far? – This Week In Retro 121”

  1. Great show chaps! I still have my original copy of The Hobbit (C64 cass.) in an unlabeled black box as Neil described, but I think it came like that. I have a dim memory that it came shrink wrapped with either the manual or a copy of the book on top in lieu of a label. Anyone recall?

  2. I think the main point of using a dISAppointment would be to get proper Adlib out of modern DOS emulators like Dosbox. I haven't used Dosbox recently but from what I hear Adlib emulation was just OK, not great, just OK, so if you really really wanted to using this and an ISA soundcard with a proper OPL chip would be an option. But as I say, only if you REALLY want to. So it's there.

    But I recently got a fairly modern board which has not just a floppy header but also COM, LPT, and PCI so I might just use a Live! in this if I were to use Dosbox on that PC. Again, there be options, and that's pretty cool.

  3. I made a comment some hours ago and it seems it has disappeared.
    I was asking if you guys already talked about a prototype tv for old systems, made by the guys who make the checkmate cases. Have you seen this tv prototype?.

  4. Laser Squad 2 is my white whale, my unicorn, my holy grail. More tactical LS goodness, without the world-building? Yes please. Neil if you can find this, I think you'd make a lot of people, but most importantly me, very happy.

  5. I actually saw some people using WinAmp 2.x today as part of a live music setup – they had an old laptop running Vista of all things and a large mixer board. I think WinAmp3 started the downfall (though WinAmp 5, was a bit better). Also, it was easy to make skins for WinAmp 2.0 – just a template and a copy of Paint Shop Pro were enough to make something that was pretty good. For my day-to-day listening these days, I've been using FooBar2000

  6. It will be the Atari 8bit range that pole position will have been on. The Atari 8 bit range was much bigger than you seem to be a ware of. It was at that time the 3 best selling 8 bit in the UK.

  7. I have used WinAmp since forever – but its time for you devs to pull you self together and make a proper version of WinAmp for Android (DroidAmp) … asap. ;o)

  8. I used Winamp as my main media player right up until the beginning of Windows 10, and at that point I only stopped using it because I switched to Linux. For me it was the skins, being able to gave my music up in the unused space of my web browsers top bar was awesome back in the 98/XP days before they started using that space for tabs, I just always had my music controls right there, and my playlist too.

  9. That guy's repeated attempts to crowbar in a "Sarah Green on the BBC" innuendo was creepy AF. Very unpleasant. EDIT: And in case there was any doubt this is shortly followed up by a "deep penetration" gag. Dominick Diamond he ain't. Red flag creep alert.

  10. Winamp worked wonders, it has a ton of plugins that allowed it to playback all sorts of game music tracks. Also modfiles and other Amiga tracker tunes. That was the but draw for me back in the day. Still have a version on one of my systems with a load of locally saved tracks. Other than that I mostly use VLC and for current streaming audio I use Deezer (like Spotify but with better audio quality) as it comes free with my mobile phone service. I do buy the odd CD or DRM free content to support an artist. Not going the Vinyl route, having to turn over the record is just a pain and as I am a little accident prone / ruining a record or seriously put it at risk by my awkward manual stylus positioning is something I try to avoid.

  11. Winamp was the last bastion of good, classic software, that did one thing, did it really well, and stayed the heck away from other stuff. But obviously they had to go and change that. To this day, Winamp is still my music playback software of choice, but I have absolutely no interest at all in the new version.


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