William Osman's Honest Thoughts About Anime

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31 thoughts on “William Osman's Honest Thoughts About Anime”

  1. The thing about anime is that when it’s good it really strikes a chord, but when it’s bad it’s not just your everyday run-of-the-mill bad, it is the worst thing you have ever seen in your entire life. No other medium has reached the terrifying lows that bad anime has reached.

  2. Has none on this anime podcast seen Legends of the Galactic heros????

    It is top tier sci-fi, all you need is a bit of patience so it can build itself up

    The political intrigue in Legends of the Galactic Heros is second to none in anime…

  3. Nah this mans just a sci fi fan coping on the fact that sci fi anime (Almost) doesn't exist anymore.

    And to be fair I kinda feel him. apart from cyberpunk edgerunners and maybe lycoris recoil the last good cyberpunk anime was too long away, and there is not enough of it.

  4. If you're interested in good modern sci-fi The Expanse is a book series that's been adapted into a show. The main focus of the show is what would humanity look like if we started to colonize the rest of our solar system. What type of societies would form? How would they interact? What problems would they face? Its a really interesting show.

  5. I'm sorry but he doesn't make much sense.

    I doubt that he is a true classic Sci Fi fan, 'cos classic Sci Fi like Dune (mentioned here) etc are basically heavily focused in politics rather than technology or action.

    He hates politics (which anime with good world building has) nor intelligent mind games (like Death Note), but also just wants to turn his brain off for action and don't watch it to remember it, yet defines anime being cheap as lacking world building and story to remember? Aren't those kind of words and logic contradictory??

    Hates politics in anime but likes Gundam and FMAB which are one of the most political animes, of all animes?

    Can't even remember modern Scifi Mecha (the limited genre he likes) classics like Code Geass nor Gurren Lagan properly.

    Hates even the most well recieved mainstrean modern animes for even western casuals (AOT, Death note), which showcase he is not a good representative for evaluation of overall animes (doubt he would appreciate the modern classics like Vinland Saga, Violet Evergarden, Made in Abyss etc) with his very limited taste (even for his limited taste of SciFi and Mecha, since he may not like 86 or 'Legend of the Galactic Heroes' for being political, 'Trapped in a Dating Sim' or 'Lycoris Recoil' for being cheap sexualization.)

    I like his experiment, science project videos, and also liked the remaining part of his trash taste episode (since I'm also engineer major) but the things he talks about anime is mostly just noncoherent for me. (sorry if I sound aggressive)

  6. Garnt, Gundam isn't that confusing. You got two types of show. You got the UC timeline that is literally just critiquing modern politics, war, and society with giant robots and fucked up bullshit you see in war. Then you have the alternate timelines where the writers can explore characters, interesting plots, and goofy ass ideas. The series is not that hard to get into.

  7. Man if 90% of anime is bad then tv shows and movies at this point are like 99% between Amazon ruining LOTR and Disney/Warner ruining everything they touch there is very little good shows.
    Atleast with anime i can in most cases find 1 show that i enjoy.

  8. As for good sci-fi anime, Planetes, and despite the clichés, Kanata no Astra. And that's for space anime only. We also have plenty of cyberpunk and mecha, as well as stuff like Steins;Gate

  9. Scifi was really really big first because of the space race (all the classics scifi books were written in that period) and a second wave came from japan because in the 80s it was The country of technical innovation and stuff (also star wars).
    Scifi is a really difficult genre to pull off, very expensive on tv/cinema, beaten both on the serious and less serious side in literature by other genres (standard novel and fantasy), and in general is less relevant in the mind of the general population.


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