Will We Recognize Ourselves in Heaven? Remember what happened on Earth?

Will We Recognize Ourselves in Heaven? Remember what happened on Earth?
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23 thoughts on “Will We Recognize Ourselves in Heaven? Remember what happened on Earth?”

  1. Thank you Soo much ! I will definitely write all these down and study them . I feel I need to be equipped with scriptures as I get this “ it’s just an opinion “ I definitely have faith and believe, there are just so many doubters , even as Christians … Looking up 🙏🙏🙏

  2. "And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows— I was caught up to paradise and heard inexpressible things, things that no one is permitted to tell."……….



    I am YAHWEH the shield and the sword, when you know that we are one this is how you become self assured. When you are acquainted with me, you and I are on the same team. You will trust me and have no doubt, you will learn what I am about. You will know that I am only manifesting as me, this is something that all must be. For some this takes more than others, facing off not seeing as brothers. This is where the confusion comes in, this creates and begins all of mankind's sins. If you become locked into this dimension, I must expose you to my spiritual condition. This is my greatest and strongest will, this is how I become your guard and shield. It is l that gives you freedom of choice, it is l who allows you to hear my voice. I do this through my words and nature, I am YAHWEH the only creator. Whatever l experience you must too, this is my desire for me and you. We are one of the same, you are my picture l place in the frame. I design what I create, I am YAHWEH and all l make. With every second that goes by, I am YAHWEH that covers all sides. For you and I to be totally complete, you must be one with me.

    Words by l,
    Charles Moore.

    Share share share. Be blessed.

  4. Our real families and friends are in Heaven anxiously awaiting our return after being exiled aeons ago. In most cases the families and loved ones we have experienced on earth are simply passing ships in the night with whom we will be reacquainted in Paradise for a short time. The missing element of Christianity is reincarnation where we are born into various circumstances for the purpose of purification of our souls in order to prepare us in readiness to re-enter Heaven when Jesus comes to collect us all up. As Jesus tried to explain to Nicodemus who realised that he had too few years left on earth to make amends for the harm he had done to others he would eventually get to Heaven by being "born of the spirit from above" indicating he would enter Paradise and then be given an opportunity to live a further earthly life of purification. Jesus was explaining that souls were being born on earth from below (Hell) but under the outcomes of God's Plan of Redemption would no longer have to return to Hell at the end of their life and would enter Paradise instead. This was the pathway to Heaven that was to be opened up by the Redeemer.

  5. They say in heaven everybody goes back to 21years old.???? Obey God's rules and let your light shine,God sees all things we have to remember that whilst on earth. We are all sinners and in gods arms we shall overcome that sin and love God n jesus as we once did. We are all gods children, race, religion, colour, sexuality, etc,…….it doesn't matter we are all the same,amen, X❤❤X

  6. To have everlasting life you absolutely must trust in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation: this means that saving repentance is turning from unbelief to belief.❤❤❤

  7. 👉🏻 https://hotm.art/Discover-Prosperity-with-God 👈🏻

    Welcome to the first step of your journey towards true prosperity with God. With this eBook, like many, you are in search of something more. Perhaps you feel there is a gap in your life, an empty space that not even money, success, or interpersonal relationships can fill. And you have probably realized that the answer might lie in something deeper, something spiritual.

    The concept of prosperity is often misunderstood. In a society focused on material gains, it's easy to confuse prosperity with financial wealth. However, true prosperity goes far beyond material goods. It involves a life rich in values, meaning, and purpose. And, for many, this is intrinsically linked to a deep and enriching relationship with God.

    👉🏻 https://hotm.art/Discover-Prosperity-with-God 👈🏻

  8. i do respect god and jesus but i don't believe that they have done anything for me or for others my loyalty is to life and death are my light and darkness i have faith that there is away for both sides becoming good again.

    however don't force people in things that they don't want to join if not i myself following my own kind of faith and that path is long and hard to follow you need a will that doesn't give up my dream is something that nobody wants or try what it is i don't want it to tell that all i have to say.

  9. I don't believe we will remember our life here on Earth because it says in the Bible we will not remember our past life, Jesus is all about love we're not going to remember the evilness down here Earth, if you read the Bible good it'll tell you we're not going to remember the things of this world ❤


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