Will Seeds Start in Composted Wood Chips and Chicken Poo? Part 1 of 4

This is the first of a four-part series, filmed at the same time, where I explain what I’m doing with a 2-3 year old wood chip pile, why it’s there, some wood chip observations, and what plants have been growing in and around it. This series will provide a great background to my upcoming Spring property tour video.


5 thoughts on “Will Seeds Start in Composted Wood Chips and Chicken Poo? Part 1 of 4”

  1. 17:28 I think patience for the off-beat/alternative methods is similar to "time flys when you're having fun", with having fun being used loosely as a stand in for the compelling impetus toward experiment and adventure. 😁 Or even "many hands make light work", but the many hands are wild drive and myriad inspirations. Life finds a way, and that way may sometimes be embedded in a chicken flop to get nutrients yet keep the haters away. 🀣 I hope the results are spectacular.

  2. Wow, you really do like to mix your seeds up! πŸ˜€ I have done this before on the edge of the garden with a bunch of random stuff to hopefully stop critters from crossing further into the garden, Namely rabbits and deer. I just put them in a lawn seeder, all mixed up, pushed the seeder all along the area, then raked the soil up a bit. I think I had flax in there, which I was able to harvest for the seeds. There was even burdock in there which attracts lots of pollinators. I am a fan of saving seed, even from wild plants.


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