Why Young People Won't Work

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Micromanagement costly: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12510608/

Undercover CEO fires manager: https://www.businessinsider.com/this-undercover-ceo-got-so-angry-at-a-manager-that-he-revealed-himself-and-shut-down-the-restaurant-on-the-spot-2012-2

People leave jobs due to lack of upward mobility: https://www.linkedin.com/business/talent/blog/talent-strategy/real-reason-people-switch-jobs

Young people feel COVID has destroyed their opportunity: https://www.princes-trust.org.uk/about-the-trust/news-views/class-of-covid-report

Americans Prefer Small Business, Dimensional Research: https://d26a57ydsghvgx.cloudfront.net/content/Zendesk%20SMB%20Survey%20Report%20-%20US%20-%20Jul2.pdf

Republicans & Democrats agree corporations share too little of their success with employees: https://www.fastcompany.com/40495233/americans-agree-on-something-they-dont-like-big-corporations

Canada Low Wage Foreign Workers:

Immigrant Language Wage Gap:

Benefits of working outdoors:

Wages have barely budged:

Jobs Lost Green Energy:

Millennials Earn 20% Less Than Baby Boomers

Nearly half of millennials sad & hopeless

Young people have 86% less purchasing power

Generational Work Ethic Differences


27 thoughts on “Why Young People Won't Work”

  1. Appreciate all who watched, both who have agreed and disagreed thoughtfully in the comments! I think I finally won over my dad too haha.

    Don't forget to check out todays sponsor! Watch unbiased, truthful news on Epoch TV across any device. Special offer for our viewers—just sign up and start watching, no credit card required, no strings attached. If you decide to subscribe within 14 days, it’s just

    ONE DOLLAR for two months. So go to https://watchepoch.com/southern and subscribe.

  2. It is rare I watch a video and agree wih every point made, but you managed it.
    Why should anybody work hard for a respurce draining multinational?
    This system cannot last for a long time, it is pure financial vampirism and eventually it will boil over into mass revolt and failure.
    I look forward to seeing it happen.

  3. Mark my words, it will be these tendencies of capitalism that will empower socialism and destroy the west. Reform capitalism to save it. If you're a middle manager, ally with your staff, not your boss. The boot licking so you're boss doesn't know your actually the laziest one really needs to stop. There is not a wise leader to be found in modern western business.

  4. This was top five most insightful videos I have ever watched on YouTube. Genuinely, that makes sense. Bonding through problem solving. That is a healthy mental mechanism. I'm not depressed, I'm just a jerk. 🙃

  5. The quiet quitting trend is the real epidemic as I've had many a run-in with either apathetic or incompetent staff at businesses lately, nobody gives a shit anymore. Actually doing your job? Nah thanks!

  6. As a Gen X, I can tell that the vast major in f employers do not deserve your loyalty. They will and do screw you over as quick as look at you. They don't pay you , treat you like dirt drop you in it if you sacrifice to the bread stick cone in when you are sick they will sack you and you will be sick and employed.

  7. Seeing this video just confirms that Lauren is doing exactly what she was put on this planet to do. Don't stop, Lauren. The world desperately needs you to continue this work.

  8. One of the good ideas from thinkers out there, the youth are not blind and when you show them life is purposeless and they are told we are all bad everything is terrible, well…

  9. I thought lauren was more sensible than this, her take is disappointing… If everyone is paid $20/hour, the cost of goods would go up proportionally. We NEED low paying jobs in our economy, its simply not possible to pay everyone well and still have goods/services remain affordable, they will always go up proportionally. If you make good choices you can move up and survive in our economy. Both my children are in their low 20s, without college degrees (yet) and they are both making over $20/hour, in an area where minimum wage is still $7.25/hr.


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