Why Woke People HATE a White Male Vegan

The contempt for white male vegans is noticeable…but not unexplainable.


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43 thoughts on “Why Woke People HATE a White Male Vegan”

  1. Amen. This video is spot on.

    Let me tell you, they hate women, too, but I agree, they hate you guys more! Earthing Ed's video with Cosmic-centric girl is the pure example of that.

    Majority of this "white vegan privilege" is coming from woke meatflake victims of USA.
    The worst thing is, they keep saying to white vegans they are fascists, Nazis and a Hitler not realizing that some of those white vegan people's families fought the Nazis, where killed by Nazis and whose family was in concertation camps made by Nazis. Some of those "fascist" white vegan "Hitlers" grew up in a war-torn countries or countries bombed by…USA where a woke meatflake is actually from. I have seen them saying all of that to a person who is Slavic and lives in a East Europe. It was…weird…haha.

    Anyway, this is why I always say that vegans should be careful with politics/politicians and political movements. Veganism is for the animals. Animals do not care are you a right, left, pro-life, pro-choice, gay, dark, pale, religious, atheist, agnostic, witch…whatever. Just don't abuse and/or kill them. They don't care about human-made problems. We can't let political sides use veganism as their propaganda tool (the way they highjacked ecology – which was easy because majority are hypocrites anyway).


    Veganism was actually deeply rooted in middle eastern spirituality such as Christianity and Zoroastrianism. I am glad that WHITE AMERICAN MEN brought it back. Notice how the US is one of the leading nations promoting veganism and plant based eating? I hold no ~vegan beef~ over this fact. I am glad that a superpower is becoming more and more vegan friendly.

  3. Another important thing to note is that many of these "woke" people are not truly woke, they just like to sit at their computer screens screaming and cursing at others who happen to think a bit differently than them. They don't do very much in the way of human rights, such as helping those in Syria and Turkey, or in Ukraine, they just like to dictate what others can and can't say. They don't want to put in any real effort when it comes to social justice issues such as going to protests, creating petitions, raising awareness online, having real life convos with friends and fam. They just want to call out people who they perceive as bigoted but aren't as an attempt to feel impowered when they themselves are probably 100x more racist and bigoted towards minorities than the average white vegan.

  4. as someone who considers themselves pretty WOKE, i have no issues with white male vegans
    although on the other hand, i also dont oppress animals sooo, there's that

    on a more serious note tho, as soon as i see someone say vegans are "colonisers" or even say the words "white vegan(ism)" i immediately know that they have no argument and nothing of value to say, and can thus what they say can be disregarded 😭

  5. I ask everybody who accuses me of white veganism if they also believe in or judge wihte humanism. Do human rights depend on skin color? Does adhering to human rights, advocating for them, depend on skin color or can it be reduced to it? And if not: Why would this be the case when it comes to animal rights?
    Shocking experience: Many woke people don't even understand the concept of human rights, even condemning FGM is considered a bad aspect of colonialism by some. Leaves me speechless whenever I encounter people like that.

  6. I am an average looking South Asian Atheist & Vegan activist male in USA, even a simple person like me felt the hate of the extremely vicious "Woke" gang members.. I appreciate that you spoke up on this.

  7. Yup. Casual racism and casual sexism has become not only acceptable but publicly rewarded by the alt left. They think it's okay to be racist as long as it's against a white person, or sexist as long as it's against a male person.

    They claim it's impossible to be racist or sexist against that group because "the system is in their favour," and yet there are real consequences and those people have real power. Even just being ostracized from a friend group or by society in general affects people's self-esteem and can even lead to suicide, which male people commit far more often than female people do. It can, and often does, result in financial loss and even imprisonment from false allegations which are too-often assumed to be true because we somehow have decided that female people never lie.

    I know because it's personally happened to me. I dated someone with bipolar and borderline personality disorder. Over time they became incredibly abusive and even physically violent to the point of drawing blood. I never hit them back. They lied to the police and successfully got me arrested. I lost my job due to pending charges and became suicidal.

    The idea that someone is a bad person, or that it's okay to attack them, just because of their physical complexion (whether colour of skin or presenting gender) is discrimination and is one of the stupidest and most perverse things we do to this day. No one has the right to needlessly attack an innocent individual.

  8. those who are truly woke recognize oppressive behavior and don't assume someone engages in oppressive behavior merely based on the color of that person's skin. those engaging in the type of prejudicial behavior you describe are "woke poseurs".

    seeing as every leftist vegan channel I can think of continually makes videos calling out anti-vegan "leftists", it seems to me that the microscopically-few "vegan" conservative YouTubers would want to focus their attention on anti-vegan conservative influencers. for example, you and Patty Nonis could collab on a "Why Candace Owens Should Go Vegan And Push Veganism" vid

  9. It just amazes me how the woke automatons fume endlessly about non-issues or extremely minuscule issues such as "cultural appropriation", "micro aggression" and "mansplaining" or some other fabricated nonsense which they appoint themselves to be the SMEs on and yet there is a literal global holocaust of sentient life which they simply ignore. Charlatans and narcissists, that's all they are.

    illegal black african migrants in North Africa are eating cats ( in Morocco ) , and human meat ( in Libya ) that's just what we know of ( and they do the same in their countries they even eat big cats ) I saw them with my own eyes cooking cats there's especially a video from Casablanca morocco of them cooking cats, they steal people's cats and they steal stray cats, there's no animal rights in morocco and even groups of moroccan cats on Facebook don't want to talk about this, why are vegans silent about this ? The voice of vegans in western countries is heard and reaches most of the countries not like vegans in Morocco because I bet they're less than 1% and they're not heard especially because of moroccan culture and religion, eating animals is more acceptable in societies but eating cats and humans is not if vegans spoke about this it may blow up, animals are animals no matter where they're from or what type.
    I don't think any western vegan is gonna talk about this because they are afraid of being called racist obviously because those people are not white, even though I have never met someone so racist more than those afrocentric black african migrants.
    Even the Moroccan government is defending and supporting them regardless of what they do to people and animals.

    Edit : I'm amazigh moroccan, I'm NOT a "right wing" or whatever, I'm vegan, and I live in morocco, if considering someone racist because they spoke about something black people are doing in my country ( to animals and people I didn't even tell everything because it has nothing to do with veganism ) then consider me racist I don't care, it's weird how Americans think that everyone is American and everything is about their politics.

  11. OMG, that was so well broken down into layman's terms. You are absolutely right, and now it all comes to view. This gives explanation for not only white men that hear these false claims, but also white women too. In the year of 2020 during the George Floyd riots there was so much love going around for those that stood against the system, and it didn't matter what race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex you were as long as you were standing up for the cause, but the moment you bring up anti discrimination based upon ones species, they will try to make you out to feel like the bad person unless you give in to an unwelcome advance.

  12. 4:11 Look, a white male pig chauvinist! I can't really be bothered to unpack all this nonsense except to point out that the people you are talking about aren't really left wing, nevermind far left. That's just Fox News-style bias that they love to roll out, to further discredit real left wing politics. If by "woke people hating white males vegans" you really mean you, it's more because you parrot all the Fox New/Candace Owens garbage, without seemingly being aware of what their agendas are. You're just doing the same within a vegan context.

    Unfortunately, within the USA, much if not most of the so called woke criticism of power remains fairly valid. You should try spending some time in the USA, and not just in some privileged white or tourist area.

  13. See, George, what you fail to grasp is that if the woke person identifies their steak as "food from the supermarket" rather than as "piece of a murdered cow", that's their lived reality, our most reliable way of gaining knowledge.

  14. Every single aspect of the anti white agenda is Jewish. The synagogue of satan is trying to genocide white Europeans with the Kalergi plan and scum like Barbara Lerner Spectre who are flooding European countries with 3rd world invaders.

  15. Facts 💯. Though in my experience from when I was in the woke cult, this applies to woke VEGANS too. For instance, I was racist for saying 'animal slavery'. Is this kind of cognitive dissonance the same as in non-vegans?

  16. Thing with this, is that the woke crowd make assumptions based on physical appearance — white can be many things; it can be Jewish, Eastern European, Traveller, disabled, poor, mentally unwell and so on.

    I have met white male vegans with eating disorders, white autistic vegans, white disabled vegans, wealthy white vegans, white working class vegans and white vegans on the dole. I've also met plenty of non-white, non-male vegans who are doing far better in life than I am.

    White is not some nebulous blob of privilege, casually oppressing people on a whim, and it's ludicrous to think so.

  17. I'm so torn between your 100% based veganism and your Fox News, Ben Garrison level of political analysis. How come all the leftists I like are carnists and all the vegans I like are politically illiterate?

    In any case, it seems like your beef is with performative liberals, who are center at best, and nowhere near left.

  18. Bro………………………… Facts!
    I used to believe the woke bullshittery. Now I've ACTUALLY WOKEN up to the fact that the woke left is a toxic, close-minded circle jerk of victim mentality. I can do nothing but laugh at the clownery and laugh at myself for falling for it.

  19. So it’s racist to drive automobiles now because Germans invented them, and that would be appropriating German culture! I swear to god, when you start applying these people’s logic to other scenario’s.. it shows how inconsistent their logic and arguments are.

  20. Good points, haven't thought of those.

    Random question, but what's your position on eating/using animals that aren't or likely aren't sentient, like sponges, corals, bivalves etc.?

  21. Just came here because of a good channel name and a good comment elsewhere.
    I'm happy to see a great video and have subscribed. I'll also check out and likely like your earlier videos.
    Mostly interesting discussion and comments by viewers too.🙂

  22. Every now and then, as a mixed person, I wonder where I stand with woke people's divisive views on race. Am I more of a white person because I am (arguably) "white passing" and often forget that I have any sort of race at all? Or am I "POC" because, well, literally half of me is? The reason I bring this up is because I don't know if I can say "as a white person" or "as a POC person." By their logic, am I an oppressor, or am I the oppressed?
    But in the end, whatever they think I am doesn't matter, I know I'm not an oppressor because of my actions. The fact is, you can be an oppressor or a victim no matter what race you are.

    By the way, the people preaching about "white veganism" don't realize that many people hold a much more favorable view of Native American hunters, for example, than they do white hicks in the South who like hanging taxidermy deer heads in their homes. Before I went vegan, I always viewed Native American hunters as being much more respectful towards animals because of the manner of their rituals, and how they would thank the animal for its sacrifice. However, since going vegan I now know I can't make an exception for them, because murder is still murder. The so-called "sacrifice" wasn't made willingly. They aren't exempt from my ethical views just because they're Native American. To see things that way would, ironically, be racist because I would be giving Natives special treatment. Some may disapprove, but really, in this day and age of America, there is no justification for hunting as a necessity for survival. Traditionalism is not a necessity. Even woke people agree with this, whether they realize it or not, because they are majority anti-coal and pro-clean energy (as am I). "Traditionalism tho" would not fly in this case, so neither should it in the case of Natives. Truly, there is no reason to believe that any portion of humanity should, by principle, be left stuck in the past. There is a reason society has changed, and I believe every human being, no matter where they are from of what life they grew up with, deserve the same quality of life many here enjoy. In other words, giving up a more primitive life-style would be beneficial to both humans and animals, and there is nothing "white" about it.

  23. Your channel is becoming more and more politically motivated, anti-left wing than being a voice for the animals.

    You frame this as if its only "woke" leftists that hate and have cognitive dissonance when faced with white vegan males. If you are really motivated for abolishing animal agriculture, then you need to also evaluate the right-wing hate and dissonance of white male vegans, otherwise you're just using animal liberation as a tool to further your own politics


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