Why We Should NOT Look For Aliens | Hasanabi Reacts to Kurzgesagt

Hasan reacts to a series of videos on Aliens, what they might be like, why we haven’t found any, and the consequences if we do find them!

Edited By: https://twitter.com/HasanReactions
Intro Animation By: https://twitter.com/HasanReactions
Outro Animation By: https://twitter.com/HasanReactions
Music Composition By: https://twitter.com/HasanReactions
(Yes, right now it’s just me making everything)

Editor’s Note: My edits were all made to keep the video on one, central topic by editing together relevant commentary from many parts of Hasan’s streams to create a storyline that is still followable by the viewer. I also edited in commentary of my own in places, in addition to relevant external information that improves the viewing experience. A lot of edits were made for comedy purposes, or to enhance the comedic timing of certain beats, but never to misrepresent Hasan’s point of view.

If you like my edits, leave a Comment, Like, and Subscribe. It helps a lot, thank you 🙂

0:00 The Great Filter Theory
19:35 The Fermi Paradox
28:00 Fermi Paradox 2
42:10 The Dark Forest Theory

Discussion Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAUJYP8tnRE

Unless otherwise stated, all visuals, audio, and commentary added during the editing process is created and owned by Hasan Reactions.

Find Hasan Live at: https://www.twitch.tv/hasanabi

#hasanabi #kurzgesagt #Aliens #HasanReactions #reacts

About Hasan:
Hasan Piker is Political Commentator turned Twitch Streamer (#13) known for his Turkish heritage and leftist takes, often speaking on topics like Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, and Marxism (and occasionally 9/11). He loves reacting to political news, and occasionally goes on IRL adventures with his friends. He likes to react to popular media content with his audience as well, such as Jubilee, JCS (Jim Can’t Swim), Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, True Crime, trending Twitter posts or TikToks, and other creative videos.


42 thoughts on “Why We Should NOT Look For Aliens | Hasanabi Reacts to Kurzgesagt”

  1. @1:48 Yes, there's no reason why evolution would work differently on another planet, but why is the assumption that the pinnacle of evolution would always be a bipedal, humanoid form? There's no reason to assume that other than our own bias towards ourselves.

  2. The whole 'universe expanding' section doesn't explain anything and is just confusing. The reason why we wouldn't be able to see other civilizations out in the cosmos is due to the sheer distance. When we take pictures of other galaxies we see them in the past due to light needing to travel.

  3. Traveling at light speed would feel instantaneous. You would feel nothing until you slow back down, but it is physically impossible to accelerate to that speed. Matter cannot accelerate that way. The only means of traveling at such speeds would be by manipulating space, but then you wouldn't really be moving, space would be moving or warping around you.

  4. Just remember that if you have s3x with an alien, you are also having s3x with all the aliens that it has had sex with and you don't know in which galaxies it has been.
    In the case of The Thing you are literally having s3ex with all the aliens it has touched. So ask for an intergalactic condom of some sort.
    And if you don't, Do no be complaining 9 months hours later if you feel something is going to burst out of you.

  5. If we ever become an intergalactic species, it will be through a break through in understanding quantum entanglement. Spooky action at a distance, instant travel through folding space. Like we will have spaceships, but travel of real distance will be through "stargates" or folding space.

  6. Check out, Liu Cixin, 'The Three Body Problem' ( 3 book fiction series ), book 2, 'The Dark Forest.' I think the theory originates in 1983 ( long b4 the books were written ), but it's a wonderful read about the dark forest. It's the funnest, if not the most terrifying, solution to the Fermi paradox.

  7. All imma say, is if the universe may be infinite, something we don’t know..
    I’d put a bet that somewhere in that infinite expanse, something is living.
    Can we ever get results to settle the bet? Hell no… it’s the fucking universe.

    I’m certain, with no proof, that there is other life in the universe. Cellular, multicellular, simple protozoa or a slug somewhere. Maybe it’s space fairing, idk. It’s the universe.
    I’m our galaxy? Eh. I could still see simple life forms existing in heat vents somewhere. But it’ll be extremely hard to prove.

  8. 1:30 gonna make a comment on this because it sounds like a classic attempt at someone trying to sound smart- Convergent Evolution is reliant on similar evolutionary pressures, which we would have to make DRASTIC assumptions about since we have not discovered life in any other environment other than Earth's. The chatter at 3:10 is correct in their followup. Additionally, there is nothing suggesting that humans are the best lifeform for this planet. Hell, carcinisation shows us that for some reason crustaceans keep evolving into crabs, that is a form of convergent evolution. We don't see any creatures other than our immediate biological family members adapting to look like us. We simply don't have the level of information to assume aliens would look like us.

  9. Why does the Alien being humanoid mattter if you want to fuck it. I bet the non humanoid ones fuck better. Also I fully being that if alien life forms showed up it wouldnt be a good thing. What use do they have for us if they can already travel through space. Best case scenario we are enslaved worse case they just want our bio mass and just cosume and strip mine everything from the planet.

  10. no so see if u could reach actual light speed without the human body disintegrating, then the effect of time slowing is not just percieved, its physically happening. so u wouldnt actually age no. u would however age under acceleration and deceleration, so we need to shoot ourselves through a beam of light in some way to get that instant acceleration or something like that

  11. it is possible that an advanced civilization did everything, eventually came to a conclusion that nothing means anything and just killed themselves because they were bored or something.

  12. The moment in evolutionary history that mass extinctions occurred and the exact history of ice ages is what defined the way that terrestrial life looks like. Without mass extinctions and on a completely tropical world theres no reason the dominant species that eventually became intelligent wouldn’t have been dinosaurs or literally any of the species that came before us. Also the fact that we gained access to fossil fuels was pure luck. Most other intelligent life in the universe probably doesn’t look like humans.

  13. The relativity of time does not imply that the time period experienced by individuals is an illusion. So, someone traveling at the speed of light would experience time differently compared to us, relatively slower, and yes, they would age more slowly than us. However, they would still age, and even at the speed of light, traveling would not be possible due to the vastness of the universe. So chatters, Hasan was right.

  14. The convergance evolution is pretty spot on. When you think about it, they would need a head with a large brain cavity (which would end up probably looking similar considering most highly intelligent species on this planet have similar head shape) Hand like appendages to be able to grab and move things. Weather or not they're carbon based could be up for grabs, and whether or not the humanoid shape is peak design is also up for grabs, but it wouldn't be out of the question for they to have looked something like us at one point in their evolution.

  15. The universe is so big and distances are so huge that even traveling at lightspeed is as fast as a snail traveling around the globe. Ultimately, we will never ever ever reach certain places of the universe or galaxy

  16. as far as the asteroid belt goes, they are so far apart that youre more likely to NOT run into any of them. Also if your traveling in a car at 70 mph, youd still die if it took you 100,000 years. pretty simple concept. youre just traveling at the speed of light, it still takes time to get to where your going. If it take millions of years for light to get somewhere, you wont survive.

  17. Why does Hasan get so mad when he's wrong… like you're talking about astrophysics dude, you're of course not going to know everything, you're a political science major with an undergraduate degree. As much as I love the guy, that shit drives me nuts sometimes.

  18. Who tf travels space in a straight line 🤷🏾‍♂️?

    If the non terrestrials are light years away , what makes you think they would waste all that energy traveling in a straight line while their bodies languish? If the light speed alien tech exist then so does it’s signaling component. Aliens most definitely would be playing with portals for their communication and travel needs in lieu of spaceships wasting all that energy.


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