Why We LOVE Dictators According to Pikmin

Oh you poor, pathetic Pikmin. Why do you blindly follow Olimar? From Pikmin to the mass movements of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution in China, why do people willingly give up their own agency to follow the whims of charismatic leaders? Find out on this Deep Thoughts While Gaming.

Written by L.D. Murphy

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35 thoughts on “Why We LOVE Dictators According to Pikmin”

  1. History shows there can be good leaders who are essentially dictators. The absolute corruption thing is bs.
    However, your idea is only as good as its ability to resist corruption. A system where an individual controls everything can be easily corrupted, so in general the longer your dictitorial system exists the more monsters will make their way to the top of it. Thats the whole premise behind democracy throwing out power entities. It forces the corruption to switch targets all the time. From an evolution standpoint, its just a more effective immune system against bad actors.

  2. There are many people who think authoritarians are necessary in order to control humans and have a better world. Those are the same people who supported Hitler, Mao, Xi and Trump. There will always be submissive who can't think for themselves and rely on others to make decisions for them. Yet the perfect example of a successful, prosperous Chinese society that doesn't rely on authoritarianism is 90 miles east on an island.

  3. A way of living which i never understood, i rather be responsible for my life than have someone that doesn't give a damm about: stupidity is not my forte and ignorance is not bliss, just lazy people who refuse to be accountable for their lives

  4. You are an annoying and dmb little yt boy and proves any joker can get anybody to follow them on YouTube. Sorry that Chinese girl used you and left you curled up and crying. Man up and that won't happen. Smdh

  5. People who view themselves as failures often try to hinder others’ success. This behavior is like crabs in a bucket, pulling back others trying to escape. They aim to drag everyone down, reflecting their own sense of doom and mediocrity, rather than acknowledging their laziness and lack of responsibility for their own lives.

  6. The fundamental problem in this world is:
    a) it's very difficult to be a leader
    b) you'd have to be a bit of psycho to want to be a leader
    c) so most of our leaders are pyschos who suck at leading

    Micromanaging is such a weird strategy, considering almost everyone is an idiot. So how could they possibly expect to manage everything when it's difficult to even figure out how to live life properly in a lifetime?

    It's such an insane idea that one person, or an oligarchy of them, is going to make stuff somehow work better. And in general, we need to completely move away from personal egos and voting for individual people. Instead, we should vote for policies and laws and then have trustworthy implementors who are career service people, rather than politicians. That way, they can be fired or promoted based on actual performance, like it should be.

    The problem with Republics is that they are oligarchies and tend to slip into Empires, which are authoritarian regimes. We need to upgrade to just voting for the actual stuff, not the people. They don't "represent" us well enough, or the needs of the environment and economy for that matter.

    What we really need are experts–not politicians–who present the facts and the options to move forward as engineers would, without personal bias or corrupt modes. And we need to vote on that. Politicians and the popularity contests to elect them need to be pretty much eliminated as models for how to do democracy because they are terrible, terrible, terrible ideas.

  7. This is really, really good stuff. I'm currently writing a book series on this very topic using demons and humans as allegory — the humans being pikmins. We're on the exact same page and came to the same conclusions but in different environments. You love to see it.


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