Why we fear Brigitte will RUIN Overwatch AGAIN

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People in the podcast: @YourOverwatch @SamitoFPS @SVBOW

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26 thoughts on “Why we fear Brigitte will RUIN Overwatch AGAIN”

  1. Bro she sucks now. There is zero sustainability with the new ult. You can't bash for movement cause it gets caught on everything. The only good use case is to counter an ult so it's entirely reactive now instead of the flexibility it had b4. And even it's use case is niche because it requires precise timing, aggressive positioning, and twice the number of inputs as the enemy reaper who just had to ghost into center mass and hit Q. She is a defensive character and maximizing the sheild and stun requires an aggressive playstyle. She is a bag of contradictions now. Brig is trash, dead, and the rework killed her.

  2. I love her ult because it allows me to stand unwavering against the most persistent flankers. I'm pretty sure that's the intent behind this change. Allowing her to protect people again from pesky flankers. She not a tank she's a deterrent and a good one. A good buff would be adding 5 damage to her primary so she can ward off 200 HP threats more effectively. She's not op she is just capable of protecting against flankers now.

  3. An analogy:
    Supports are very much like the full spell casters of DnD, incredibly OP. Damage are the martial classes, can get some niche utility or burst damage, but are overshadowed by the casters. Tanks are the half casters, primarily Paladins.
    This was mostly based on 5e.

    This is why supports are the most broken, they have the most impactful abilities in the game. They don't typically do much damage, although some can; their true power are their abilities.

  4. Flats and Co. is becoming known as the ”Petty Council” that cries over things instantly. Brig is fine, she gets like 2 stuns off with her ult bashes. It’s not that big of an issue. I smack her out of existsnce as Reinhardt and I play in Masters 2.

  5. I think Freedo is wrong lifeweaver feels super underwhelming. Brig feels miserable to play against already. I feel like a lot of people never played against busted brig. I did and I can tell you she killed the game if this change stays she could easily do it again.

  6. Managed to climb to plat last season as a brig main, focusing on staying alive, and playing back more. Then they buffed her.
    Brig was always strong, but so much hate, they better not nerf her lower than she was S3, she was balanced, maybe even strong.

  7. as one of the OG brig haters i have to say this is not going to break the game, its an ult, mans out here acting like shes always has ult up when it only lasts like 8 seconds

  8. I like the shield health but I do not like the shield size. Even in ult she still feels like paper mache so would like to be able to bash out but with the massive shield it is so easy for the enemy to body block to stop the dash.

  9. Maybe it can be explained, but they've only changed her ult. I don't get the streamers getting so shirty about it. Her minute to minute gameplay is the same. And giving Moira one fade in her ult. So what. She still can't cancel it. Streamers seem to fear everything.

  10. As a support player.
    Tbf the brig buff wasn't needed and unnecessary. But brig in normal players hands isn't op or unkillable.
    The problem comes when the people who generally know how to play support. Brig will enable them to do too much and not be unkillable but basically 80% of the time unable to get the opportunity to kill brig. On top you can get brigs ult less than 40 seconds and maybe even 30 seconds if you have a good plays.
    Brig is ult is op and broken in the right hands, but the opportunity to kill brig while in ult is so rare and extremely short, in the hands of cable players (higher rank players GM to Higher master specifically)

    Like it or not, the devs need to buff the game around higher rank plays because all the well informed players are there and all around know what's best to consider for the game. (Note: not all the high rank players should get a voice on it but the ones that have well informed experience in the Overwatch community.)

  11. People saying Samito and Flats are rage baiting or whatever, consider just this one point Flats made. "They made an entirely new shield and design for he ult, they aren't changing it for a long time."

  12. As a brig one trick, she fucking sucks. -15% movement speed during rally and the pack range nerf are horrible. I could care less about the stun and massive shield, rally was always an offensive ult. Theres no amount of change they could do to make it defensive without costing base brig nerfs to compensate. Rally was never meant to be beat/tranq.


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