Why US Can't Build a High Speed Rail

The United States has been struggling to build a high-speed rail for decades. But why would the world’s leading superpower be unable to pull off something other countries currently have? Some people say it’s because the country is too big, others blame politics, but the real reason may surprise you. Check out today’s epic new video to find out why America can’t seem to get its act together when it comes to building a high-speed rail.

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27 thoughts on “Why US Can't Build a High Speed Rail”

  1. Why can't the United States of America build highspeed bullet trains? Because the american people are blind and don't see the benefits of having american bullets. 2 The United States of America rather spend the 500 billion dollars to put some fool on mars instead of building the United States Atlantic bullet line from Boston Massachusetts to Miami Florida stopping in one or two major cities in each state it travels through and move millions of americans up and down the entire United States Eastern seaboard. American ignorance will continue to keep the so called mighty United States of America from ever advancing in these great modern marvels of transportation. But boy they sure can put a man on the moon to jump around and pick up rocks at a cost of billions. Highspeed bullet trains is something the mighty United States of America should of had decades ago. Kenya and other countries not as wealthy as the United States of America are now building highspeed rail. But hopefully one day the United States of America will finally wake up. Till then, highspeed bullet trains and maglev super train technology is the new american dream……

  2. I don't really understand what is so bad about disowning someone's property, if a project was to be built in its place instead with nationwide importance than I don't think disowning wouldn't be such a bad concept. For example in Czechia, if the government presents a project that would have public's support then government starts buying out properties from owners which lay in it's path. Owner is presented an offer and if he declines multiple times without any reason at all then the property is disowned and still gets his money. Another example to that is highway construction in my region. It being built since 2010 I think and it's around 70 km long. It takes one person to present a formal protest, because it thinks that the construction is killing endangered animals or plants and the whole progress comes to a halt until it's been reviewed which can take so long that the construction of the highway is still in progress to this day. On one hand, yes it's not very nice to take someone property on which they spent their entire childhood or other sentimental reasons, but enough is enough. If it greatly benefits public, improves quality of life, it's more ecological and economical then it should be a priority no matter what.

  3. Never say never usa has done some impossibles before others countries as well when no body said they never make up there usa proved them wrong now there a superpower it’s all about planning and practice with all technology and science other countries can do it too 😊✌️I believe in other countries can make it happen as well

  4. 10:56 this is not really the freight trains fault but the private companies that run them since the private companies are not mandated to give priority to the passenger trains, they often deny them passage, since it’s not profitable and another thing that slows down the passenger trains is the fact that most of the lines in America and the main lines in America are single track which mean the trains run on the exact same track (how this works is that every couple miles there’s a sighting or second track that one of the trains go through and let the other pass and then they get on the main track again) a third issue that comes again is something called precision scheduled railroading or PSR This is when freight companies try to make their trains as long as possible so they can get more goods to different places at the same time and this is to also stop hiring as many workers because instead of having two trains with 1-3 workers on it, they only have one
    The best thing to do here is try to get rid of private companies, so they stop profiting and nationalize it like the interstate highway system

  5. If we could make them quiet and clean, and somehow safe enough, we could route high speed trains through national parks. No Federal land ownership issues there. Or, we could build elevated tracks that run above and along existing interstate routes.

  6. I am really glad they mentioned how much money goes into the military. People don't even realize it and complain about taxes funding welfare and food stamps but these expenses don't even scratch the surface of the militaries budget. I never realized it myself until i saw first hand how much money is spent while enlisted. Its scary just how naive people are. I hope "infographics" and other sources make more videos like this to show people whats been going on under their noses for so long. Unfortunately though, i believe that even with the knowledge of this some people would still be ok with it.

  7. I am hopeful that the US will build out high speed rail in logical phases. I’m thinking lines that run the length of the coasts would be built first. The second phase could then entail connecting NY to Chicago by way of the Great Lakes and Chicago to SF by way of Denver and SLC. Until then, I’m happy to go by Amtrak ❀️

  8. high-speed rail needs to consist of the fed. government acquiring the land and then back off and let private entities take it from there. The land, no different than the sky, will be considered public domain and it is private airlines that move people from point to point and they own the means of doing so — it is 'not' government airlines.
    The US does not have any experience in building, or operating high-speed rail but, for example, Japan, S.Korea, and even China do and can be partnered with, and similar to airlines traversing the sky, so can 'separate' rail entities doing the same offering various levels of service, or non-stop, or perhaps stopping frequently, technology exists to ensure safety.
    to get folks out of cars — and short-hop plane travel — US travelers want different levels of service and speed; it cannot be a one size fits all…

  9. august 1st 2023. i was looking at a multi city amtrak and delta flight to compare what is cheaper. train is 2.5x the cost and total travel time totalled more than 8 days out of a month long trip.

  10. i don't know if someone's already said this, i didn't read 2199 comments. but at the very least, what about airport to airport, with a limited number of stops between? you'll never get people out of cars or planes, but if i could grab a train that stops at an airport terminal, i would. Portland Oregon is like that. Trimet has a station actually INSIDE the PDX terminal building.


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