Why the Hell is New World THIS broken?

A game developed by Amazon Games has no business being THIS broken!
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30 thoughts on “Why the Hell is New World THIS broken?”

  1. I think everyone is over reacting about the player base diminishing. People have lives and I believe that amazon can fix this and get alot of thier casual player base back in. Just my opinion

  2. “How dare you be critical of a major corporation for being lazy, I’ve seen atleast two people say this game is great! Just negativity from big fry again”

    Probably some comment you will receive

  3. "Why is it this broken?" You bought an Amazon Games title, you're a sucker if you thought it was going to be anything short of a dumpster fire. Anyone who bought this game ignored all good sense and has no right to complain.

  4. Its Amazon so I'm not surprised that these are problems. They even had problems with their non releases that have all been canned.
    I have heard that they have some well known developers who are good at their craft so how in the world have these problems have not been sorted out during play testing? It makes no sense with the calibre of gave developers that are working on this product..

  5. As someone who played the closed beta and played at launch…………….. is it fun? Yes, at first it's great constant fun. After you reach lol 20 or so it shows down so much and gets incredibly repetitive. Its like a medieval/fantasy version of Destiny 2, you're doing the same thing in the same missions over and over with little creativity. What even more disheartening is that Amazon Games is about to publish another mmorpg that will directly compete with New World, idk man this game was so promising but its turned out to be quite a disappointment to be honest.

  6. this game is fun i can get over the repetiveness if there was just other things to do. I like it and i hope it can better overtime. I wish it wasn't as buggy because out of all the mmo's I've played i really like new world and there's so much enjoyment. I hope amazon can fix this game and add more stuff

  7. All of these issues might be forgiven if games like UO never existed and this was the first proper MMORPG ever created. It's like the dev team had never played, much less made a game before and just decided let's make an MMORPG.


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