Why The Black Race Became So Regressive After A Millennium of Progression | An Afrofuturist Analysis

This is my final thesis: For a substantial portion of history African people acted as the vanguard of change. [from ancient to medieval era] But as time, technology and trade rapidly accelerated [modern era], African people began to lag behind in their adoption and adaptation of such new customs as time marched forward. Hence, a stubborn attitude of conservativism [a commitment to traditional values and ideas with opposition to change or innovation] among African peoples began to evoke stagnation, stagnation then led to regression, regression gradually resulted in decadence, decay and decline. Thus, making the regressive African peoples sedentary, complacent and vulnerable to a far more progressive force [the European colonizers/industrialists].

My overall conclusion is that it is virtually impossible to return back to the glory of the past. Our ancestors tried that and failed. However, to become stagnant and sedentary in the present will also result in failure, regression and the preservation of the current established order. For this reason, with the multifaceted threat of climate change, and the recolonization of Africa by the reactionary Western powers [who is no longer a progressive force in the world as they were in the 1800s-1900s. They have now become a destructive and regressive force of humanity]. African peoples and all other who oppose the current established order only have the option of rapidly advancing beyond their current state. By leaping ahead in technology, trade etc. they can control the their own development and progression as oppose to being subjected to the progression and development of others via exploitation, debt etc. So, as Maurice Bishop and Kwame Nkrumah have declared, “Forward Ever, Backward Never!”

My Socials :


0:00 – “You Can’t Repeat The Past. Move On.”
1:11 – What Caused African Civilizations To Crumble? Time…
2:37 – The Tower of Babel [A Parable of Unity & Disunity]
3:42 – African History is One Consistent Story
6:50 – Revisiting The Progressive/Regressive Negro Theory
7:45 – Lady Lugard on The Ancient Egyptians
10:00 – Modern Blacks: “The Decadent Representatives of a Forgotten Era”
11:44 – Felix Dubois on Timbuktu [A Relic of Ancient Egypt]
15:05 – Timbuktu Houses: Mud-Brick Adobe Clay Homes
17:00 – Who Were The Ancient Egyptians? [According to Ancient Figures]
20:57 – Why Did They Hid The Identity of The Ancient Egyptians?
22:20 – Who Were The Ancient Egyptians? [According to Modern Figures]
24:54 – Jean-François Champollion [The Father of Egyptology] on The Ancient Egyptians
29:38 – Jacques-Joseph Champollion-Figeac Respond to His Brother’s Letter
30:17 – “The Ancient Egyptians Being African was a Long Accepted Truth”
31:15 – Why Did The Ancient Egyptians Migrate to Inner Africa?
38:16 – They Continue to Migrate Further Into The Interior
39:30 – Then They Scattered Into The Sahara, The Sudan & The Savanna
40:00 – The Progressive [Sudan]/Regressive [Guinea] Africans Divide
41:16 – Lady Lugard on Progressive/Regressive Africans
44:38 – Progress: The Muslims of Sudan vs The Pagans of Guinea
45:10 – Posthumous Kingdoms: Ghana, Mali & Songhai
46:15 – African Muslims: Progress, Adaptation & Asabiyya
48:39 – Ibn Khaldun [Father of Sociology] on Progressive/Regressive Africans
50:44 – Accounts of The Progression of African Muslims
55:18 – More Migration & Adaptation
59:37 – Cheik Anta Diop on Why The Sudan Had More Egyptian Influence
1:01:53 – Felix Dubois on The Songhay People & Ancient Egyptians: Cultural Continuation
1:08:12 – Dubois Used The Outdated Hamitic Theory
1:09:00 – Sir Harry Johnston on The Songhay & Ancient Egyptians
1:09:37 – The Songhay People Claimed The Ancient Egyptians
1:10:32 – Sunni Ali [Founder of Songhay] was Also a Magician
1:11:33 – Johann Heinrich Barth on The Songhay & Ancient Egyptians
1:12:12 – Why Did They Fall Into Decadence?
1:13:10 – The Seven Stages of The Rise & Fall of Empires
1:13:36 – Stagnation vs Progress
1:14:38 – Ibn Khaldun on The Rise & Fall of Empires
1:15:48 – Umran & Asabiyya Cyclical Theory
1:19:50 – Social Conflict Theory: Contradictions
1:20:17 – The History of the Cyclical Theory
1:22:00 – When Umran & Asabiyya is Strong = Progression
1:23:37 – When Umran & Asabiyya is Weak = Degeneracy
1:25:37 – The 5 Stages of Rise & Fall of Empires
1:29:00 – The American Empire as an Example
1:29:52 – Modern Black Nations Have No Umran or Asabiyya
1:30:56 – Progression [Revolutionary] vs Regression [Reactionary]
1:34:39 – All Africans Began to Regress as Time Progressed
1:36:25 – The Songhay Empire Fell Due to Internal Contradictions
1:39:28 – Africa Fell Due to Internal Contradictions
1:40:11 – The West Will Also Fall Due to Internal Contradictions
1:40:36 – What Can We Learn From All of This?
1:41:00 – Don’t Go Back, Move Forward!
1:41:45 – Enter Afrofuturism & Accelerationism

#africanhistory #empires #decline


22 thoughts on “Why The Black Race Became So Regressive After A Millennium of Progression | An Afrofuturist Analysis”

  1. So, about Herodotus' description of the Colchians – I don't think he was describing dark-skinned Egyptians, since the word he used was 'μελάγχροος' which is often translated as 'swarthy, dark-skinned' but if you break it up into its constitutive parts, you get 'μελάγ and 'χροος'. Now, the Hellenic word for 'honey' is "μέλι" and the second part 'χροος' means 'pigmented'. So, it seems reasonably probable to me that Herodotus was not describing the Colchians or Egyptians as 'dark-skinned' but rather 'honey-skinned' – i.e. tan. Odysseus has similarly been described this way, as it was natural for a sailor to develop tan skin. Further, Herodotus' observation that the Colchians had 'woolly hair' is not necessarily indicative of Afro kinky hair – the clue is that he remarked that there are other peoples with hair just like that. It appears reasonably probable to me that 'woolly hair' meant 'curly hair' – compare what sheep wool looks like relative to Afro hair on the one hand and curly hair on the other, and it should be obvious that 'woolly hair' fits the latter description most. Finally, Herodotus remarked that the Colchians and Egyptians practiced circumcision, thus he concluded that they were related. But crucially Herodotus mentioned that the Ethiopians also practiced circumcision, and he even considered the possibility that the Egyptians learned the custom from the Ethiopians. The mention of the Ethiopians and Egyptians as different people reasonably suggests to me that by the time Herodotus wrote his Histories, the dark-skinned Kemites had already retreated south to Upper Kemet, and lighter skinned peoples occuppied the north Lower Kemet a.k.a the Nile Delta – so that the populations of Upper and Lower Kemet had become distinct enough that they appeared as different people; Ethiopian and Egyptian. So, who then are the Egyptians Herodotus that was referring to? I think they are a Semitic people – there is no reference to Jews in Herodotus' Histories, only a mention of Palestine. Keep in mind that around the time Herodotus wrote his Histories the Jews had been conquered and exiled by Nebuchadnezzar. It appears reasonably probable to me that the Colchians were a colony of Jewish merchants and sailors that had travelled to the Caucasus through the Black Sea. That they had a lineage which the Egyptians connected to the pharoah 'Sesostris' may be a reference to Kemite pharoah Senusret, whose son and successor, Amenemhat ii, had diplomatic relations with polities in what is today Turkey, according to the Annals of Amenemhat, and there are also Ageaen treasures buried in tombs associated with him. Of course, Senusret lived many centuries before the Babylonian exile and the time when Herodotus wrote the Histories. Crucially, it is not the Colchians who claim descent from Senusret, but the Egyptians who, to satisfy Herodotus' curiosity, guessed that the Colchians could have been affiliated with Senusret. Another thing worth considering is that not Kemitic people but the Semitic Hyksos people were probably the 'Egyptians' described in Exodus from whom the Hebrew Jews trace their origin. It may well be that the Colchians had these 'Egyptians' (Hyksos) in mind when they claimed descent from Egypt.

  2. The disparity between 'Progressive' and 'Regressive' Africans is no racial difference. The material reason for the differences between whole populations lies in socio-economics. Those who adopted private property practices (herding of cattle, privation of cultivated land, and hiring of labour) gained the exploitative means to conquer those who did not possess a similarly concentrated accumulation of resources. These latter impoverished people were driven to the coasts with the march of private property, and it is these desitute people whom the seafaring European encountered and built their racist prejudices upon, hence race-based slavery, hence the racial stratification of inequality. This is in fact what happened when the Dutch VOIC encountered the impoverished Gorinchaicona in the Cape, whose name literally means 'those who left us' – i.e. the destitute. They had lost their cattle to other Khoi clans and became refugees, whose fate turned around when they began providing goods and services to European seafarers in exchange for imported materiel and military goods and services. So the VOIC capitalists created a comprador class to assist in the conquest of other tribes, but this situation could not have happened had the compradors not been driven to destitution and a desire for revenge. It did not take long after the establishment of the comprador class for the capitalist VOIC monopolists to exploit the antagonistic situation to divide and conquer the Gorinchaicona along with the other Khoe.

  3. So you are suggesting that Africans crossed the Sahara Desert built the Pyramids and later returned and threw away their culture their advanced technologies their written language and religion and started wearing animal skins and living in mud huts again.

  4. Witchcraft.

    Some evil diety put a curse on Africa. Cycles of violence.

    Self-referential Karma.

    The Africa's need something to give to others. Only then can they start to heal. You get, what you give. Problem is that they have NOTHING!

    If larger first world nations sincerely industrialized them – it's a start.

    ❤ global healing..if you want it bad enough. 😉

  5. Invented writing, mathrmatics, engineering and made the pyramids? No we didnt ancient egypt wasnt our civilization. This video seems like a cope rooted in nonsense. You can do better.

  6. So Regressive that you could not know written language using wheels and farming domesticating animals and back to the gathering and hunting era🤣🤣
    the same shit you always repeating and have been debunked over and over ancient Egyptian migrated to inner Africa crossing thousands of miles in the dry desert common man 🤣🤣🤣
    go and study the origin of Bantu expansion and where you came from and when

  7. what in the blaming the oppressed for their own oppression. youe understanding of how the black diaspora should exist ignores that not everyone needs the same things. it also has a very western and capitalistic view of what progression and a successfully working system/governance is. eurocentric ass sources and quotes. you basically skipped over how much europe played a role in the fall of africa. also the idea that a place will not be conquered unless it has/had a faulty system is a crazy take. indegenous peoples of the world were invaded and genocided by europeans due to disease and systems of exploitation. that generalizes all of those people as having had shitty systems to run themselves which simply isnt true. as is the idea that, at the beginning of colonization, there was no place in africa that had systems in place that were efficient, fair, sustainable, and not in need of any "progression"


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