WE NEED MORE SUPPORT HEROES! Is playing support in Overwatch really that bad, or do we need a playstyle change? How can support heroes be fixed in Overwatch 2?

0:00 Intro
0:19 Moira is OP
3:47 Baptiste is OK
5:39 Brigitte is SLEEPER STRONG!
7:54 Zenyatta is DEAD
11:08 Mercy is FINE
14:29 Lucio is GOD TIER
15:39 Ana is OK
17:11 The BEST Overwatch 2 Supports

#Overwatch #Stylosa #Overwatch2

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47 thoughts on “Why SUPPORT is BAD in OVERWATCH 2!”

  1. How is the support passive (15hp per sec after 1 sec out of combat) not good?

    I imagine that's what sty means when he says it's boring.

    The fuck were they supposed to do? Give the supports a rage mode where they can move, shoot, and heal faster??? Lmao what are we even saying here?

  2. Certainly an interesting video, but it's fairly obvious that you don't play support much. All supports need to do this already with OW1, it just seems to be exacerbated in OW2. And as a support main, its infuriating that we're being pushed to the side again for more DPS and Tank roles. I sincerely hope they add many more supports to the game, because it gets so incredibly boring playing the same few heroes every game.

  3. So in my opinion, supports shouldnt just be about healing and dealing damage. In most cases them having that choice is a baseline requirement for most support roles. The role of a support is to increase survivability to the team and deal some damage. Now when it comes to survivability, healing isnt the only thing that comes to mind, support also has their own line of croud control, these croud control arent suppose to be strong, in fact they usually more in line with displacements, take brig shield bash or her boop ability, it doesnt negate the enemy from attacking the enemy entirely, but when used at the right time, they can be very effective.

    I believe whole heartedly that brig, zen, and moira and bapt are fine where they stand, each of them have an ability that effectively increase team survivability even though they have some abilities that isnt a team ability (looking at you moira), the rest are very strong enough to not need a change. However, when you start looking at the rest, either they do have an ability that can help with peeling/healing (ana sleep gun as an example) but isnt consistant, or they don't have all the list of what make a supports, well support (mercy).

    I could talk in in-depth detail about each character even when i dont have experience playing the second game, but i do have to go to a job, so i cant right now

  4. I wonder if one of the two support slot should instead be a choice slot, where you can choose between any class in the game.
    This would allow to have more balanced pick rate between the classes by not having a 25% pick rate for the average support where the dps and tanks have less than half this number.
    It would give them an excuse to buff the supports like zen like they did with the tanks and allow them to feel more necessary to the team as well as allowing more creative team comps. You could still have the same team comps as today, or double tanks/triple dps. But since you would have to sacrifice a support for it, they would be more vulnerable.

  5. OW1>OW2
    all they did was buff tanks and dps and removed stuns which they thought was bad but actually made the game fun and stopped people from charging face first into the enemy team cause u were punished. all the update did was remove the need for skill. rip

  6. i think zen could be made top tier if he had an extra healing orb that he could apply to himself for a period of time in which it boosts his healing on teammates and healing himself, it should also have a cooldown and it will make the player have a choice of healing a teammate more and risk not having extra healing for yourself or healing yourself and risk your teammates dying

  7. Tbh. Just two adjustments that would make OW2 at best again.
    First: Remove increased speed for damager. There's one less tank making it easier for them already to flank or position themselves add that with less cc abilities. DAMAGERS ARE ALREADY BUFFED WITH THE 5V5 CHANGE IF U ACTUALLY KNOW AND PLAYED THE GAME. Instead, give supports that increased speed with passive healing.
    Second: Just focus on releasing utility/mobility with less healing supports. We should create a pool of at least 12 freaking supports in the game with more diversity.

    I think blizzard should know this..

  8. I think supports need better ways to escape. I think zen needs a mobility move, Baptiste should get a short boost forward when he jumps, ana's sleep dart should be replaced with a sleep mist. For the ana thing I think instead of a projectile she should be able to quickly spray a mist that lasts for less than a second, it really reduces the range but it can disable anything in a close proximity and sleep multiple people of they are close together.

  9. The problem is simple. Blizz is siding with DPS. For DPS, it's fun to kill people. A lot of people. Quickly. Again and again. That's what is fun for DPS, and most people play DPS (look at the queues), so, Blizz is trying to make most people happy. The problem is, it's at the expense of people who play support. We can't keep our team alive because they're either anti-naded (yay for Junker Queen add ANOTHER one when the one we had should have been deletedl) or we're just dead and running back from spawn, again. And again. Oh, not killing supports fast enough, DPS? Here, now you run 10% faster than them, all the time! Ha! That'll teach 'em to try to run, when they should just die. DPS are having a grand old time, I'm sure. But I'm also sure support players will continue to convert to DPS or just quit, and queue times will keep getting worse. Eventually we'll have to go 1 Tank, 3 DPS, 1 Support.

  10. Still mad bring doesn't stun anymore. But I'm super excited to play on her. I'm a Brig main, I play her more then any character and better then any other character. My shield – battle management is impeccable, You can't beat me in a 1v1 even if your a tank, period. You have to have several people assisting you, to take my Brig down. So seeing how powerful her healing is now makes me hyped. Because losing the stun from the shield bash was a huge deal for her battle kit, like a massive deal. So seeing she's significantly tankier. Is the best thing I've seen for the entire game.

  11. These passives get kinda confusing sometimes especially with Brig. Sometimes I don't know which passive your talking about since her character passive heals herself, but the global support passive also heals herself. I think if you refer to the new passives as global passives then it would be a little less confusing. But it's not much off an issue. Great video btw!

  12. i dont get why mccree's stun was removed. how was that damaging to the gameplay? it made it better and gave good counterplay to fast moving heros like genji and tracer. Not once have I ever heard someone complain about mccree's stun being bad for the game.

  13. I've been a zenny main since I started OW back in season1. Was placed 54 then onward I've just been Plat. I love zen his playstyle is almost high risk high reward and it's fun.
    In OW2 I'll still be playing Zen. Regardless. Even if he isn't meta he's so much fun. Which to me is far more important than anything.

  14. As a support main, this video fills me with dread. I have zero hope for overwatch 2 at this point. It's looks like rip off paladins gameplay. It plays the exact same as paladins too. But with no character kit customization or items.
    Blizzard sucks ass and I'm losing faith about this game. Casual fans called it overwatch 1.1, long time fans like me try to get excited but are let down constantly, but at least high level players got what they wanted.

  15. With less shields there needs to be a higher health boost to their healing capabilities or else it’s just a dying simulator, it feels so imbalanced in the beta


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