Why Some People Are PISSED At Elden Ring

Is Elden Ring just TOO hard? #eldenring #fromsoftware

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46 thoughts on “Why Some People Are PISSED At Elden Ring”

  1. Honestly, I don't have the game yet. But I've had tons of hours in the soulsborne games. I've also watched several videos of Elden Ring and genuinely what I've noticed is people don't seem to take advantage of being able to explore. It seems to me, explore. Level your gear and then get your weapons down (get a better grasp on their move set.) If you're having a hard time with it, change your approach. Not saying the game isn't flawed, every game is. However, the game seems to give you the chance to take down its enemies fairly IF you simply explore and level.

  2. I’m so sick of hearing “this doesn’t look next gen”. They have created something timeless on par with the most successful games of all time. Does Minecraft look next gen? How about breath of the wild? The reality is, looking “next gen” doesn’t mean the game is great, a great game means the game is great, and elden ring knocked it out of the f**** park

  3. It’s a Masterpiece in my opinion love it from top to bottom & Gorgeous and the atmosphere are chef kiss Good People are ridiculous it’s a Soulsbourne Game From software… OFCOURSE ITLL BE HARD I’ve never played a Souls game before this and even I knew it would be Hard and it’s not for everyone you actually have to use your brain in battle it’s not a Dodge spam hack & Slash got look at Dr.Disrespect getting mauls and rage quoting after a bear attack

  4. The only thing that this game does that pisses me off is that the Bloody Wolf set isn't available from the start. I was looking forward to using that armor for the entirety of my first play through. And I don't know how to get to Volcano Manor which is where you get the set.

  5. Here's my experience with Bloodborne, the first Souls game. I struggled alot in the beginning, and got stuck on Gascoigne (the first mandatory boss but second boss overall). I ended up asking my brother to beat him for me, which he reluctantly agreed to. Eventually later I got stuck at another really hard boss called the Shadows of Yharnam, I asked him to beat them for me, he refused, telling me I needed to get better at the game. So I persevered and trained until the point I was finally able to beat them, and it felt amazing. I struggled with the next bosses, but I was able to beat them all on my own. When I finished Bloodborne, I played Dark Souls 3 and everything felt much easier, bot because the game itself was easier but because I finally became a better player. So yeah, you'll struggle alot in the beginning but being able to improve your skills and destroy all those obstacles is such an amazingly rewarding experience that I really think it's worth trying to "git gud". I actually regret asking my brother to beat Gascoigne for me, I basically robbed myself from what could have been a good learning opportunity. I can't wait to struggle and triumph over Elden Ring!

  6. The haters that complain that it is hard are the same people that played dark souls got frustrated and never touch the game ever again BC the wasn't handholding like it is literally obvious that elden ring is a souls game this is what happens when you join the hype train just to be their and not understand what to expect from context

  7. Gamers are such babies these days. I know a 12 year old that beat Sifu so it’s really not that hard. Also frame rate in Elden Ring is an issue but the graphics are great. With all the reviews these days watch a damn video before buying a game

  8. I'll be honest I've played most of the souls games outside of demon souls and bloodbourne cause I dont own a ps5 or ps4 and nothing about elden ring is impressive to me and I dont get the hype. I'm not bashing the game and heck I'll probably get around to playing it but ya its just another souls game that cost 79.99$ I dont see the "masterpiece" or "game of the year" that most people are claiming it to be I think most say that to justify what they paid for which is pretty much darks soul 3 but "open world" honestly this game just looks like a dlc that should have came out for ds3 just saying That my opinion judge it all you want i dont care.

  9. i was just saying Skyrim was awesome but too easy. I played souls 3 but did not beat it, But I like the ability to level up and search around. Thank god its not linear.

  10. Game still shows invisible enemies and black boxes, still waiting for update to fix it. Tried all the YouTube guides to fix these issues, still not working, will wait for an update patch to fix it

  11. A lot of people are pissed because of the games “PS3” graphics. Idk about you but damn I have never such a nice looking PS3 game lmao draw distance for days! Graphically the only negative is the shadow maps as they are fairly low res and on PS5s performance mode they can look blotchy. Aside from that this game is pretty krispy looking.

  12. It's the most new player friendly souls game they have made you could get so strong just be exploring did people not see who the game was MADE BY its your own fault if your bad you bought a souls game go explore

  13. I think people need to understand that you're going to die. I've been playing souls games since 2014 and I still die in every playthrough countless times. You'll never stop dying, you'll die less, you'll learn methods of beating enemies and bosses, but you'll never stop dying.

  14. This just goes to show that in the modern age of gaming you should research a game's creator before you pay $60 for a game. Anybody familiar with the creator knows to expect a certain level of difficulty.

    That being said, some sort of brief but unskippable prompt when you die to a boss or enemy, let alone the first boss or enemy, telling you that you can or should explore the open world the game provides might be helpful for people who just followed story prompts and got crushed, lol.

  15. This is still a dumb controversy. Why do people insist on making a game easier when they are just bad at the game or don't wanna learn the proper methods to survivability?

    The only people that are upset are the same people that complain about every other fromsoft game.

    As someone who damn NEAR BROKE MY PS4 after like 200 fights with the Boreal Dancer (ds3), I may have been annoyed at hit box detection, but never once did I want it to be "easier."

    These games are DESIGNED to reward players for learning the mechanics and using a deep understanding of said mechanics to succeed.

    If you dont like to dance, do something else. Don't make people change the general concept of dancing to accommodate your disdain towards it.

    Just because you don't get the same satisfaction other people get from it doesn't mean it needs to change, it means that you simply picked up the wrong title. Nothing is for everyone, and FS games are about triumph when the odds feel against you. They are punishing, and there needs to be a landscape for these types of games that don't compromise their vision due to someone's inability to agree with it.

  16. It reminds me of dark souls 1 after reaching firelink shrine. You've heard the game will be difficult and so you head left thinking this seems like a good a route as any just to wind up with nonstop respawning skeletons. Its not the accessibility that is messed up it is the unwillingness to push, learn, and explore. I am so thankful for finding the souls franchise because I had that difficulty itch that needed to be scratched and I am thankful this game isn't overwhelmingly easy either.

  17. Is it working? breaking people systems? Like forbidden West has bricked mine? And then PlayStation‘s response from there repair department was simply this they said the PlayStation 4 is Being phased out whatever this means. And that and buy their own words he says their systems can no longer handle the games they are playing putting out. So they knowingly and willingly sell you faulty product knowing it will wreck or break your PlayStation. Here’s the new legitimate business of these businesses.

  18. I get so upset hearing people talk about this game being “Too hard”, that’s the point! It’s so rewarding finally beating a boss whose killed you 10 or even 20+ times. That’s the exact point of the game, most games aren’t meant for every person but if you stick with this game it’s so rewarding.

  19. Get better at it with practice. All FromSoft games are hard. Bloodborne was difficult and it’s was AMAZING!!! I know someone who played this game and is his first FromSoft game. He has died so…..many……times. He’s been keeping at it and he’s starting to get better at it and loving it. Practice, learn enemy movements, learn to dodge, parry, backstab, and you’ll take this game on. The game doesn’t hold your hand and it’s completely rewarding when you figure it out.

  20. I'm a casual player and still beat Dark Souls 1,2, 3 and Sekiro. They are challenging games, but in no way "inaccessible". I remember as a kid having to restart a game from the beginning if you died 3 times, that was harsh. Yes, From Software games require you to invest time in them and for sure that is not for everyone, but your efforts are well rewarded as they are amazing games. I'm 30 hours in Elden Ring and loving every minute of it.

  21. The commercial doesn't explain the game, just said it comes from From Software and the George RR Martin. Then you see a Knight turn into a flower. It's grime look had me thinking it was a Souls game. Yet I wasn't sure since the commercials, so I can understand the confusion. I wish it helped give sense of direction for building yourself more. Yet that's not a Souls, so I'm dealing and enjoying the victories, maybe less salt on the wounds.

  22. I'm grateful for the difficulty level in Elden Ring, and honestly compared to Sekiro and Bloodborne, it does feel a lot easier. Especially when you take advantage of your horse. But some of the bosses are so amazing, and genuinely difficult, I love the esoteric nature. Still hoping for a follow up to Sekiro, that was my favorite gameplay so far.

  23. This game is only harder if you're not using the new mechanics; AKA the spirits and summons. Otherwise? Sure, I'd consider it harder because the bosses I've fought (so far) have that 1.5x speed like Sister Freid (sp) did in DS3. Just my opinion.

  24. I agree with him on that casual gamers are getting annoyed because they didn't realize what they were getting into. I consider myself a casual gamer and it's my first from software game, but I'm enjoying it and just being as patient as I can to enjoy myself


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