Why Russia Is Building Arctic Military Bases

Russia Hides Countries Inside Its Borders

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Because of Russia’s desire to maintain its position as the Arctic superpower, it is putting forth an all-out effort to protect its economic interests in the region, including broad territorial disputes over waterways and an increased military build-up in a region that the United States has largely overlooked. Vladimir Putin has “significantly changed Russia’s strategy to global growth,” and he believes that the Arctic will play a crucial role in Moscow’s reemergence as a great power in the future. Aside from the fact that the rising waters in the Arctic are allowing for extended shipping seasons on both the Northern Sea Route and the Northwest Passage, they are also becoming important considerations for military and commercial strategists in Washington DC, Moscow and Beijing.

It is widely acknowledged that the Arctic plays a significant role in Russian strategic thinking, maybe even more so than its actual significance in creating Russia’s security environment, which includes dealing with NATO in the Western theater, a broad range of instabilities in the Caucasus and Central Asia, and the increasingly fierce struggle among growing powers in East Asia. From historical traditions to Putin’s personal preferences, many elements have led to the inflated perception of the Arctic’s critical role in global trends, which is based on erroneous assumptions.

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