Why Putin Can't Bear Ukraine's Existence …

Peter’s piece –

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00:00 the whole talk
40:49 Vlad’s psychoanalytic sketch of Putin appears here, followed by the rest of the video…


33 thoughts on “Why Putin Can't Bear Ukraine's Existence …”

  1. One should never forget that Marxist idealogy and methodology was used as the template for Nazi idealogy and methodology. They were not opponents, they were competitors in a game that there could only be one winner with no real tolerance for a runner up since the true ideology intent was launching an idiomatic unrestricted malignant narcissism intent on 'righting' endless perceived intolerable wrongs imposed or supposely inflicted on the person that rules from the top.

  2. I knew a man who lived through the war in Sarajevo and he radiated something like a death instinct. He was not aggressive at all, quite gentle personally, but he also never praised or condemned anything. When something tragic or horrible came up in conversation he would just kind of nod and sometimes laugh and it was the same kind of expression you see if someone is reminded of some forgotten trivial thing from their childhood, like a forgotten TV advertisement or something. I had the impression that he had a whole catalogue of horrific experience that he was constantly using to categorize any new awful thing he heard about. He did whatever he needed to do to get by but he never spoke of the future or any plans he had and he was extremely passive in general. I think about him a lot when I see videos from the war where Russian soldiers are under attack and taking it very casually, not even seeming to be particularly concerned that they're being shot at.

  3. Nazis might have had 'rules' whom they killed (first), but the selection rules based on the Superior/Inferior Race are as nonsentical and random as anything else. Your accident of birth(place) defines your fate here. And in addition to their racistic terror they had political terror as well. You could be as 'Aryan' as you wanted, when you had a different opinion or worked against them – or if someone simply reported you to the authorities you were also done – they were as destructive, brutal and sadistic towards you as towards anyone. Ask the French, or the Dutch, and especially towards the end, the Germans themselves … which were 'Superior' Race and all that crap. It was actually worse, as some people were doomed FROM BIRTH without having done anything at all.
    So the result is not that different, its just a question of the 'Sequence of Inhumanity'. That's why I think there was a (doomsday) cultish, insane aspect at play here, not just 'normal evil reasoning'.

  4. 9:30 Mass murderers are not monsters. It's just a cop-out to describe them as such – because we have no words, no explanations, for their actions. They are bad humans. To protect the rest of society we lock them away, hopefully for life. We cannot allow mass murderers to roam freely around the community – unless you're Prigozhin, perhaps. (And by implication Putin at one remove.) In relation to Russia post the Ukraine war I keep remembering the Morgenthau Plan for post-war Germany and wondering whether something like it might be revived to deal with the Russia of the future. But first, Russia would need to be defeated and we are not even engaging with it except by proxy.

  5. Can you make several short videos rather one long? I enjoy watching but never to the end. Many people now have no time and looking for many different sources which makes difficult to appreciate long ones.

  6. Far from a rambling discourse Sir! Each apparent detour served to illuminate even more this crucial subject defining our current spitegeist. Cheers 🙏🏻🍀🤘🏻🇺🇦💙💛

  7. BATO and America told Putin that if Ukraine gives up, Putin can have Ukraine. This showed how stupid the leaders of NATO and America's military is. NATO and America worded it as, "as long as Ukraine wants to fight, we stand by Ukraine". Implying that of Putin can destroy Ukraine's will to fight, putin wins. Pitin is still working under these assumptions.

  8. It’s the bandera nazi savages of Ukraine who have been banning the Russian language and culture as well kidnapping raping torturing and murdering ethnic minority’s across Ukraine since America had their nazi coup in 2014👍🏻🙃🤡

  9. I contend that this is partly a cultural battle over ownership of the Kyivan Rus. The Russian leadership can't stand having the capital of the Kyivan Rus empire located outside of Russia. A statue of Vlodymir the Great was erected in Moscow in order to claim ownership of this Kyivan Rus leader. The Russian leadership also a strange obsession with reconstituting the old Russian empire and that means the Rus states AND even Finland. The Russian army even removed Potemkin's bones from Ukraine.

  10. That’s not what Keats (the originator) meant by “negative capability”. If you check what he further said on the occasion he came out with it (walking with some friends and discussing Shakespeare’s genius) it’ll be much clearer what he was getting at!

  11. If this were true then you would expect Russians out side Russia to be just as dysfunctional as the people inside the country but, with some exceptions, they are not. Perhaps a prison psychosis is a more appropriate analogy. Russia itself is the gulag nation. Ganser syndrome at a national level. The psychopathology is environmental and thus changeable.
    In part that is Putin fear. A non corrupt Ukraine proves that the ideas are not genetic, a racial trait of Slavs, but is a taught behavior. Thus Putin looses his place as the needed autocrat. Any taught behavior can be changed simply by charging the curriculum.
    The German Nazi's did not cease to exist, they were just re-educated. Even those that retained Nazi beliefs kept it secret (there are reports of them reverting badly where dementia kicked in in old age). Some re-defined the idea of superman and superior race from Germany and Hitler to the USA and Eisenhower.
    A similar transition is possible in Russia but the teacher needs protection.

  12. It should be noted that the climate fanatics are very late to the show. The Maga right was always very early backing Trump to the hilt when he supplied Javelins to Ukraine instead or/ or as well as blankets. Tucker and MTG want oversight and worry about budgets and bankruptcy (in a superpower that has been technically bankrupt for two decades). They can't get oversight from Ukraine because Zelenskyy and his people don't trust Biden and his staff. Tucker and MTG both know this but keeping Biden White House burning is their job.
    The Climate lobby have for years been taking money from the middle east and Russia to keep European oil, gas, fracking, & nuclear shut down. Now they are trapped. Ukraine is popular with both the left and the right. Even what the EU media calls the far right, basic nationalists, are pro-Ukraine. Russian trolls claim otherwise and always will find someone.

  13. Vlad please don't use bad words.. keep it family friendly please.. you don't need to sound like a teenager ever.. remember.. seven words which must be beeped out on US television and radio..

  14. The afraidness said, if i pray for my enemies then the storm stoped, and bible's jona saved from three days wind to the seaside near cyprus -we need little humour, to solve problems; vlad vexler proved, that soviet union is slow to kill, because they don't bear philosophy is solveingwithwords:"
    chess matthew!"

  15. I did ask myself " what would happen if a Chinese or Russian led alliance had many members throughout South America and Mexico wanted to join?". It made Putins actions a lot more understandable.

    This is a horrendous war but NATOs actions started this war ( or at least played a large part in it ) Putin is a war criminal but so is George Bush and Tony Blair and they are walking around free and seemingly okay with their actions.

  16. I don't see Russian culture being more cruel or vindictive than other cultures. If it is more cruel, then please explain the countless massacres across the globe. How did a massacre like My Lai happen in Vietnam or the human pyramids at Abu Graib where Iraqis were tortured by American guards simply for their own amusement? Does that put America on par with Russia then? It has to do with human behavior and the willingness to go along with it. There was a famous experiment back in the 1960's where a guy would read a set of words and another person in the next room was hooked up to electrical wires. For each wrong answer, the guy in the next room would be given an electric shock and each time, they would raise the voltage to the point where the person was in agony. The guy who was giving test was told over and over that they must continue no matter how loud the person screams. And it was shown that people will follow orders despite their senses telling them to stop. The electric shock wasn't real. It was all just a game to see how far people would go. I don't see anything uniquely evil or monstrous about Russia, and you see the same atrocities in just about every war including the American invasions that I just mentioned. Humans are capable of evil when they're put in situations where they themselves can be killed at any moment, and see their friends being killed all around them. It loosens their inhibitions and allows them to commit atrocities that could never have happened otherwise.


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