Why New World Fans Are Now Turning Against Amazon

Why New World Fans Are Now Turning Against Amazon

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7 thoughts on “Why New World Fans Are Now Turning Against Amazon”

  1. Im not playing as much. but treating it like a single player. just doing my own thing.

    I must say as a solo casual.. the hunt people pvp quests have made pvp faction quests almost impossible as i cant compete with a full party or zerg of 60s..

  2. The casual players were reasonably happy, because they werent high enough level to encounter many of the issues. So, amazon decided to make it unbearable for them as well. Its like they are deliberately trying to upset people at this point.

  3. Most MMOs make it easier to make it to the min/max part if you are in a group or guild. This game imo was activly punishing solo/casual players before these changes. I haven't played in over a week due to all the issues. SWTOR releases a new expansion next month so banging my head against a wall in a game that actively punishes me isn't worth it right now. Love the down to earth honest content!!! Yuo are not the only casual feeling this way!!!

  4. i'm playing solo and sometimes duo and i had 0 trouble with t his game. 100k gold cleared all content, 3 crafting skills 200, all refining and gathering 200. What are yall complaning about.


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