Why many are worried about SLS and Starliner's "DISASTER"?

Why many are worried about SLS and Starliner’s “DISASTER”?

Why too many are WORRIED about SLS vs Starliner? How is SpaceX saving the US rocket industry?
Well, hang on there till the end of this script as I rip off everything about this subject line by line, word by word.

First, do you realize what the biggest similarity between SLS and Starliner is?
Former Ames director Pete Worden described the SLS system as a self-licking ice cream cone in 1992, nearly 30 years ago.

The picture here is that all the key constituencies with power and money are very satisfied with the SLS because it provides the operational cover necessary to move such vast sums of public wealth into the favored hands. Indeed, actually flying the rocket is pretty risky in terms of the existing scheme, because it might fail and thus end the good times.

Somehow, the human space exploration budget has been “favored” with this sort of unwinnable grift, with the result that yet another generation of idealistic engineers has aged into retirement, most of the Moonwalkers have died of old age, and a basic Moon base or Mars base seems more out of reach than ever. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Endless reports by toothless government and agency watchdogs pointing out the obvious – the rocket is expensive, unsafe, and will never work properly.
One of them even found that NASA hid nearly $800m in costs to avoid a Congressionally mandated budget cap by spending money earmarked for future development programs. Just try that in your annual tax filing and see how far you get.
Actually, don’t. There’s a word for this and it rhymes with broad.

Remember, even if it actually was fast and safe to reuse Shuttle hardware, even if the program was well managed, it would still only manage an SLS flight every year or two and cost $4.1b. This doesn’t include any development costs, which will total $93b by 2025. Incredible!

Can you imagine showing up for your day job and telling your boss that your salary is now a secret, but at least 3x higher than the day before, and that your work product was going to be a decade late? Even the people whose only job is to know exactly how much the SLS costs apparently do not know.
Why many are worried about SLS and Starliner’s “DISASTER”?


36 thoughts on “Why many are worried about SLS and Starliner's "DISASTER"?”

  1. The best thing that can happen is SLS detonating on the pad and Congress cancelling it and ordering NASA to spend the money on monthly Starship launches until they are flying multi-use man rated rockets.

  2. I'm not Pro Boeing. But honestly, Lockheed in ULA might be the cause of problems. Notice, new contract without Lockheed, Boeing can do later versions cheaper. And Boeing bought Mac (Macdonald Douglas) because they wanted military contracts and Mac had those. Boeing was always on the outs, Lockheed would get them. Boeing putting those Republicans at top of Boeing and moving it back east to Chicago and now Virginia .. they are bowing to the Republican dogs that run America. The super rich Connecticut zip codes that own 99% of everything including Google ABC NBC CBS FOX ATT-CNN Warner, etc. Being part of the deep state they expect to get these corrupt contracts on the government teet. Bezos similarly is "connected." He's CIA. Thus allowed to buy WAPO. Wapo has always been CIA. That's its known history (and Newsweek). Thus Bezos gets the Jedi contract. He's "connected." Musk is not technically part of the group yet. But he will be invited in, do all the rituals and become as corrupt as them. Or find himself pennyless. He's buying Twitter. You can't own media in America without having their knife at your throat. Like Trump. He fked with the IC (intelligence community) and NATO and you see the results. Schumer tried to warn him …..but dumba-s-s didn't listen. If Musk backs Trump you'll see him destroyed too. You don't fk with the IC and NATO and those Connecticut zip codes that own the banks, everything.

  3. Thank you. In simple terms you explained why Boing has gone from a generally good company to sh*t. Putting the people from a FAILED competitor into positions of leadership and trust is a recipe for just more failure.

  4. Let’s NOT forget, SpaceX had NOTHING TO OFFER when NASA/Boeing started the design for a Super Heavy Lift vehicle back in 2012… SpaceX was nowhere to be found! Why weren’t they competing THEN??? Ludicrous to be comparing NOW!

  5. the state is only good to pay until something become profitable .
    after profits can be made . capitalists take over the state and asume the profits .
    fuck the people that pay taxes so Nasa had money to spend on 70 years of space program .

  6. You are absolutely right on every point, Boeing has used this as a cash cow for years with the help of too many in Congress. Another example that we have the best government that money can buy…

  7. I know absolutely nothing about gambling…never bet on a horse race or anything…but can somebody tell me where to place a bet on SLS destroying itself within ten seconds of reaching Max-Q or before on the maiden flight? Or is there no bookie who'd take that action? (I know those terms from watching TV)

  8. NASA is a big waster of funds, they don't know when the project is dead. It is someones pet project to wast the money to put in their pockets. Who cares if it works or not, they made their money, that all that counts


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